New post on My Secret Place THE FUSS ABOUT LIFE by Oyiks - TopicsExpress


New post on My Secret Place THE FUSS ABOUT LIFE by Oyiks Alfred TEXT : John 10:10 Ray kurzweil a world renowned scientist on the subject of immortality believes that in less than 20 years, science will find the key to immortality. In other words, Man will be able to live forever. Ray kurzweil is not alone in this school of thought because all over the world, medical science, molecular scientists, governments and several renowned billionaires like Larry Ellison (CEO of oracle corporation) and Sergey Brin ( Co-founder, Google) have invested billions of dollars in the longevity and life extension research. They all want to live forever and believe they can do so by finding a way for the body to slow down the ageing process, automatically replace ageing organs, thereby prolonging life. Well, these men are two thousand years late in their research, because Jesus two thousand years ago, gave the key to longevity ~ John 11: 25 - 26. Even long before then, the Bible gave several keys to longevity ~ Prov. 3:2. If only these men would read the bible, they will save themselves a lot of time and money. However, the reason men are so passionate about finding the key to longevity of their biological (physical) life is because they dont realize that there are Four kinds of life (and 4 kinds of death (refer to our devotion on 23rd Oct., 2013). They assume the only life available to them is physical life so they do everything to sustain it negating the other kinds of life. The Four kinds of life. (1) Physical life ~ Jer. 1:5, Job 3:11, Ps. 71:6 (2) Eternal life ~ John 3:15, John 10:27 - 28 (3) Everlasting life ~ John 3:36, John 6:27, Matt. 19:29 (4) Forever life ~ Rev. 14: 9 - 12, Rev. 20:15, Mk 9:43 - 48. PHYSICAL LIFE: This is the biological life that God gives every man and that life comes through parents (Ps. 71:6). Every human alive, has this kind of life. Thats what makes breathing possible, thats what makes blood flow in your veins. However, physical life is divided into 3; (a) human life (b) animal life (c) plant life. As long as anything is alive, it possesses one of these 3 life types. Men obviously have human life. ETERNAL LIFE: This is the God kind of life. It is also called Zoe. It is the kind of life that flows in God that makes him God. The same way human life flows in us and makes us Men. When a man accepts Jesus as Lord over his life, the Zoe life of God is passed into his system (John 3:15, John 17:2) enabling him to do certain things a person with just human life can not do. E.g. Know God intimately (John 17:3), Love like God, have faith like God etc. Eternal life has several benefits. • It sharpens ones intellect • It provides immunity against sicknesses, etc. If you are a christian, understand that you have eternal life flowing in your veins. But just as physical life requires maintenance to function appropriately, eternal life also needs maintenance to function at optimal capacity . You maintain the eternal life you have received by engaging in prayer and study of Gods word. If you dont engage in these life giving activities, you will not benefit from the life you have flowing through you. EVERLASTING LIFE: One of the benefits of eternal life is everlasting life. Eternal life is what makes everlasting life possible. Everlasting life is the life you spend in eternity with God (Dan 12:1 - 2). If you are a Christian and live the way God designed for you to live, your spirit will live forever with God. You will not suffer shame or condemnation on the last day. FOREVER LIFE: The Spirit of man will never die. However, for those who know God and live for Him, they will spend eternity with God in joy. For men who dont know God and live for themselves, they will live forever with Satan in hell and in torture and unbelievable torment. (Rev. 20:15. Mk 9:48). If you already have eternal life, maintain it by developing a consistent prayer & study life so you can benefit fully from the Zoe in you. Know that you are not an ordinary being because you have not just human life, you also have eternal life flowing in you. If you are not born again or maybe you are born again but not living right, you are programmed to have forever life. But you can change your eternal destination by turning away from sin and repenting, then you will receive forgiveness and newness of life ~ Rom. 10:13. Oyiks Alfred | October 24, 2013 at 5:33 am | URL:
Posted on: Thu, 24 Oct 2013 08:41:35 +0000

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