New powers for the Scottish parliament in the event of a NO vote, - TopicsExpress


New powers for the Scottish parliament in the event of a NO vote, what do we have here? This morning I woke up to find that Gordon Brown and other Unionists have put together a new ‘Road Map’ outlining a timescale for new powers for a Scotland. For me, it came in the form of a GPS system attached to a Dr Gordon Brown’s (sorry Dr Emmet Brown’s) Back to the Future, Delorean car. Bristling with anticipation I slip effortlessly into the driver’s seat and off we went. Gordon’s voice drawled out, telling me to turn right as we moved into the future. It was then that I realized this GPS was rather strange. There were dates and timeframes mentioned on the ‘scavenger hunt screen’ but no real details. I looked closely at the GPS. The route seemed clear but where were the details? We would pass through the month of October and Halloween where, a command paper was to be published by the present Conservative UK government, setting out all the proposals. Moving on to St Andrews day, a white paper was to be drawn up. Then, by the time we were to reach Burn’s Night, in January 2015, a draft for a new Scotland Act was to be published. I put my foot down and the days, weeks, and months flew past. I reached Halloween in seconds, to find nobody in command of the ‘command paper’. Gordon couldn’t agree with David, Ed couldn’t see eye to eye with Nick, and I missed the slip road marked Better Together. On hitting St Andrew’s day, I found the road closed and a detour sign manned by Boris Johnson and Nigel Farage dancing on a torn and grubby copy of the draft white paper. By the time I roared into the sad Burn’s supper in January 2015, being held in a leaky caravan in Faslane, it was obvious what had happened... I slammed the Delorean into reverse gear and shot back to 1979. The voice of Alec Douglas Hume came on the GPS urging Scots to vote No for better devolution – the result was years driving up a dead end street. I suddenly realized what GPS stood for, Gordon’s Patronizing Speech. In panic I shot back a few years more to 1971 and the words of The Who came on the radio youtube/watch?v=SHhrZgojY1Q So the moral of this tale is; vote YES on the 18th or youll all be fooled again. Feel free to share this!!!
Posted on: Tue, 09 Sep 2014 12:38:08 +0000

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