New years resolution My name is Kenneth Hall and I Live in - TopicsExpress


New years resolution My name is Kenneth Hall and I Live in Omaha NE. I have been in the construction industry for over 30 years as a Contractor and Construction Consultant. I have fought to maintain high standards in quality and to compensate those who provide the additional labor to serve my customers fairly. Refusing to join those who exploit illegal laborers while having multicultural personal (Legal). My sons and many of their friends often made up a large portion of my crews. I have been involved in product development, manufacturing on products I created, I have testified many times as an expert on Storm related litigation, Faulty construction products and practices, and have worked for Cetainteed, Masonite corp, McDonald’s, Seldon Company etc. as a consultant. I have appeared on numerous Local News broadcasts as an expert on Ice Dams and preventing damage from then. I have had articles published in trade mags on the subject. I have also developed products for the Fire Arms industry and was invited to the governors golf classic in S.D. And Had dinner with then Governor Mike Rounds. Was offered State guaranteed loans to manufacture Fire Arms in S.D. But complications with the investment group I was working with and my mother Dying of cancer at the time forced me to reconsider. Since then I decided to leave the construction industry full time while maintaining a part time involvement and work as a Machinist here in Omaha. I worked as a CNC Mill set up man for 1.5 Yrs and moved to Certified Transmission where I work on a Manual lathe re-manufacturing parts for transmissions. I give this as a background to give you an idea of why I am taking a new coarse of action. I have lived through the desolation of construction industry as a Middle Class occupation! IN the Mid 80s a good carpenter could make between $15.00 - $25.00 per Hr. Your doing good to make the same wage for the same work today! The same is true in the machinist world wages are essentially what I was offered in the mid 80s as a novice working on my own projects in a local machine shop! WHAT KIND OF FUTURE ARE WE LEAVING FOR OUR CHILDREN? I have lived and struggled with the NEVER ENDING BARRAGE OF REGULATIONS TAXES AND INSURANCE BURDENS PLACED ON ME AND MY BUSINESS WHILE COMPETING WITH THOSE WHO DODGE THEM BY EXPLOITING ILLEGAL LABORERS! I have Latino friends and frankly dont blame anyone from coming here even illegally. The lack of foresight and self interest which tempts us all to try and get something for nothing is DESTROYING OUR CHILDRENS FUTURE! I am grateful to God for my life experience because it has forced me to look at life, family, Government, Business etc. from a much different perspective than I would have likely seen if my life had been more comfortable and less stressful. Like our founders who learned the principles of FREEDOM BY THEIR OWN SUFFERING UNDER TYRANNY. SOME OF THEM ALSO BECAME AWARE OF HOW THEY WERE DENYING OTHERS THE SAME FREEDOM AND RIGHTS THAT THEY WHERE FIGHTING FOR. SOME DID NOT! Thus after God had given them ample time to fulfill their promise they made during the negotiations on the constitution to end slavery. It was forced onto the agenda by the civil war after it had already begun over State Sovereignty. DO you think it is a coincidence that the south was winning through most of the war even while facing a superior force. As if God understanding the long term consequences of federal tyranny was giving them one last chance to repent! Yet because the majority of those who owned no slaves in the south would not free the slaves from the small minority fighting to maintain slavery they all suffered horribly! Just like Germany, Japan, China, Etc. where the people and especially those leading them failed to resist TYRANNY when it could have been defeated in the WAR OF IDEAS AND IN THE HEARTS AND MINDS OF THE PEOPLE! Their lack of action and foresight lead to their own destruction and of their country! My new years resolution I am also a singer Song writer and used to sing with 2 African American brothers in a group I started in the mid 80s. Singing Gospel music I wrote. I am now the regional director or Nebraska Oath Keepers in Eastern Nebraska. I have not served in the military or law enforcement like many of our members. But I have taken the Oath as they have and am serving now in the war of ideas. Now I sing some of the new music I have written in parades in Nebraska and have around 20 songs including a good number of parodies of old songs I sang growing up on my sound cloud account https://soundcloud/user262008952 and on my website THEY ARE ALL FREE AND ROYALTY FREE TO DOWNLOAD, PLAY COMMERCIALLY AND SHARE, DISTRIBUTE ETC. MY RESOLUTION is to make it my life’s mission to fight the war of ideas tearing our country apart before it becomes another bloody war. For those who think that would or could never happen here. There were 21,000,000 back ground Cks. In 2013 alone. Last month was another record month for gun sales. And we are likely to exceed last yrs sales this year! THERE IS A NEW ARMS RACE BETWEEN THE GOVERNMENT THEY DONT TRUST, AND THE PEOPLE! The overzealous crack down on protestors in Ferguson. Plus Every day officials caught on video confirm what they feel that many of the government officials who swore to defend their FREEWILL AND GOD GIVEN RIGHTS ARE PREPARING TO TAKE THEM BY FORCE. All under the pretense of keeping them safe! While stoking division, racism, class warfare, etc. they are creating the very dangers they claim to be preparing to protect us from. Attempting to create a crisis to give them political cover to enslave us all! We are in the process of selling our posterity into perpetual slavery and most people understand the confiscation of fire arms is the final nail in the coffin. I over hear comments nearly everyday from people I never met in restaurants, stores, online, church, etc about preparing for what they see as inevitable. Fire Arms sales give us an indicator of the number of people who will not comply with any attempt to confiscate fire arms but will resist by force if need be. THEY HAVE EVERY RIGHT TO RESIST BY FORCE ANYONE VIOLATING THEIR OATH OF SERVICE AND THE SUPREME LAW OF THE LAND! Just as they have the right to resist if they come into their home to RAPE THEIR WIFE AND DAUGHTERS! SO we have 2 choices sit back and give those BETRAYING THEIR OATH more boldness by our inaction and silence or to push back by waging a war of ideas to destroy the lies, misconceptions, and failed policies that are our biggest National Security Threat. We can find answers to our problems that will restore freedom, prosperity, security, and hope for our children and grand children if we can stop those trying to force more government control down our throats! Here we are again History is repeating itself and this is our last chance to learn from the mistakes of our forefathers and not repeat them. Or we will suffer as they did from the natural consequences! I will help any of you in any way I can including live performances to help you reeducate those in your districts of what we have lost and the Freedom God intended for us all! Stand with us, Keep your Oath and make it your new years resolution to end the slavery we are all having forced on us! https://soundcloud/user262008952/lie-la-lie-3 https://soundcloud/user…/i-believe-in-the-constitution-6 https://soundcloud/user262008952/stand-with-me https://soundcloud/user262008952/warriors-plea Sincerely; Kenneth Hall
Posted on: Sat, 27 Dec 2014 20:38:06 +0000

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