Newcastle goalkeeper Tim Krul wants the board to make a quick - TopicsExpress


Newcastle goalkeeper Tim Krul wants the board to make a quick decision on who will replace Alan Pardew as the new manager at St James Park. He told Sky Sports News HQ: It’s never a good thing when you don’t know what’s happening, also for the fans as well – they want to know what’s happening but maybe the club hasn’t come to a decision yet. At the moment the only thing we can do is work our socks off on the training ground with John (Carver) and Steve Stone. We had a great game-plan today. We played really, really well and I think it was one of our best games of the season. Unfortunately it did not result in a win but the board just need to be clear if they have a manager out there who they think is the main man. Hopefully it is quick. If not then John and Steve, for me, are a great option as well. When asked how long the situation could carry on for, Krul said: Probably as long as they (the board) feel like it will take to get the main man. If we have to wait till the summer then it has to be. But it is not for us (as players) to speak about that. The main thing is to get results on the pitch and next week against Southampton is a major game for us now. As players we don’t have any say in that, we don’t have any impact on that so we’ve just kind of got to sit back and concentrate on the football side of it. The scenario is pretty similar even though the manager has gone. The coaching staff are still there and the all the other staff are still here so it’s not too different to when Alan was manager so we need to just concentrate on playing. Krul said it was great feeling to return to action after such a long time ruled out with injury. He added: This is what it is all about, games like this. Yeah (I’m back to full fitness now). I’ve been training with the boys now for a little over a week. I had half a game on Thursday for the reserves just to get a bit of my sharpness back. Obviously this game will help me massively and I am fully back now. I have no pain at all in the ankle so I’m happy. Toon midfielder Jack Colback says the players dont have any influence on who will be their new manager and should simply concentrate on playing football. As players we don’t have any say in that, we don’t have any impact on that so we’ve just kind of got to sit back and concentrate on the football side of it, he said. The scenario is pretty similar even though the manager has gone. The coaching staff are still there and the all the other staff are still here so it’s not too different to when Alan was manager so we need to just concentrate on playing. It’s never a good thing when you don’t know what’s happening, also for the fans as well – they want to know what’s happening but maybe the club hasn’t come to a decision yet.
Posted on: Sun, 11 Jan 2015 00:33:57 +0000

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