Newest list of story titles and ideas #Abduction Viktoria Ramirez - TopicsExpress


Newest list of story titles and ideas #Abduction Viktoria Ramirez is intimidated by her husband and brother, Viktorio, into complacency;toddler kidnapped and tortured. inspiration for this story include “The Cleaner” by Brett Battles. #Antidote Only Preston can save Headmaster from radioactive toxin (companion to “Catastrophe” and other associated drafts) #Argument What are Don and Bethany fighting about now? #BlazingInferno Gravely ill boy succumbs to smokeless fire #BreakingPoint Mysterious man comforts woman. #BrokenAngel Inspired by second audio series… This tells the story of Anja’s apparent suicide. (songs include Daughtry’s “All These Lives,” “Learned My Lesson,” and “Call My Name,” as well as Chris Brown’s “Say Good-Bye”) #Catastrophe Boy attempts to dissuade his twin from walking into a trap from which he cannot return;Headmaster’s sister freaks out after he contracts radiation sickness. (companion story to “Antidote”) #Cehrvanakavreyda’sRevenge Identical twins prepare to face danger together. Companion to “Village Streets.” May or may not be part of “End of the Road.” #ChroniclesBoy haunted by nightmares. Companion of multiple stories, including “Surrenger”. #Cobra 8-year-old meets evil child; “demon-child is son and rival”. Companion draft to “Catastrophe” and “Antidote” #ColorOfRageYoung man sees red upon learning what his brother’s been doing (prompts “when will you learn” speech and “strive to do better” lecture, not to mention “overshadow” argument) #Confusion Young man relives the accident that took his brother away (supposed accident, anyway). #Crash Blind girlterrified by explosion of sound. (real life) #Crisis Boy risks his relationship for a chance at vengeance. Possible companion draft. #Curse Identical twins misbehave in class. See above. #Decimation Demon Sorceress in her “destroy the Light” vein. #EndOfTheRoad Ferguson brothers use 7-year-old as bait; first of two drafts. Second version finds him addled by drink and unable to defend himself against intruders. Third one told from POV of identical twin. #Eruption Olivia’s rage destroys lives. #EvilTwin Young woman hears another plotting assassination. #Explosion1 Blast targets Headmaster. #Explosion2 Identical twins witness blast #Fight Headmaster follows sister late at night #Fire Young boy hurls flammable object in dorm #FrayingTempers Universe is descending into madness #Fugitive: Aliymo Kateyama (hazel eyes) framed for murdering baby brother #Fury Trent’s temper boils over. #Grudge 17-year-old refuses to forgive his sibling for something done years ago #HelpNeeded Boy is prepared to end it all. #Incurable Young woman has a meltdown when her brother contracts Radiation Sickness (companion to “Antidote”) #Injection Brothers drug younger boy #InnocenceLost Boy relives nightmares (companion to “Abduction,” “Surrender,” “Torment,” “Wishing for the End,” “Tribunal,” “Reluctant Messenger,” “Prisoner”) #ItCouldn’tBe Headmaster names assassin before passing out #Kiss Companion to #Crisis (slight alteration on same idea) #LastResort Young woman seeks warlock’s help in teaching her lover a lesson #Lecture Young man gives twin sister a piece of his mind. #LetMeHelpYou Demon claims to have boy’s best interests at heart, yet he cannot forget her betrayal #Lure Another version of “Fight” #IceSculpture Boy becomes enslaved by demon’s cold, ruthless Powers #InconceivableTorment Qa’setriyu #MissingYou Young man tries to convince young woman to open up #MnoibrivahnanMassacre Could Matirodawa’s complacency have led to the kingdom’s downfall? #MovingForward Demons plot springing their own out of dungeon #MysteriousIllnessThe medical community are stumped by girl’s symptoms #NewArrival Boy is afraid to be friendly with other kids at school. #NoPeacefulResolution Ben thinks Marnie is avoiding her problems. #Phase984 Girl suffers organ failure #Plea Companion to “Mnoibrivahnan Massacre.” Vhenahria Morehnta is reluctant to enter what could easily become Universal warfare. #Plan Demons use Protectors’ weakness to their advantage #Prisoner Demon uses magic to strangle his half sibling. #Relocation Boy witnesses brutal beating; takes the place of “Village Streets” #Restraint What has Jon done to anger Cornell? (identical twins) #ReluctantMessenger Patroller delivers arrest warrant. (Companion to “Prisoner,” “Tribunal”) #RiskyManeuvers Boy bravely attempts to rescue twin from Dark (follows a story that I’m not sure of… may just have to rewrite both tales and be done with it) #RudeAwakening Why is Rex attempting to rouse Alana in the middle of the night? #SenseFromNonsense Companion to “Fugitive”. #Shadow Bheniyto is nervous around others #Shadows 9-year-old meets Demon Sorceress #ShamefulBehavior Girl attempts to cover up pregnancy #SpecialtyProcedure Demonic Surgeon operates on young patient.#Surprise: Preston Brandis comes to realize that fighting alone may not be the best strategy. #Storm Boy gets caught in violent storm #Surrender Boy lets all his energies go in one desperate attempt to destroy the demoness. #Timing Boy inserts himself between twin and danger #TooFar Yet another version of “Explosion.” #Tortureville Queen of Stinokia ruthlessly tortures her brother; grandson and friends seek her destruction #Tribunal Officer arrests 8-year-old identical twins to save girl from demons #Unruly Teen is beyond disrespectful #VampirePrince Man protects family from monster #Vengence Inner conflict between what one is taught and what one feels is right #Verdict Girl convicted of killing friend #VillageStreets Survivors of family flee from Dark assassins. #Warrant Boy is given time to say farewell before he and his twin are arrested #WindsofFury Demon comes down on Surgeon for growing impatient #WishingfortheEnd Companion to “Help Needed” and associated drafts. #WorkwithMe Uptight young man realizes he needs assistance.
Posted on: Sun, 28 Jul 2013 23:34:36 +0000

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