News Bismillah Arrahman Arraheem As-salamu alaikum wa - TopicsExpress


News Bismillah Arrahman Arraheem As-salamu alaikum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatoh, Imām ‘Alī ibn Mūsā al-Ridhā (A.S.) reports: “Allāh’s Messenger said: An angel came to me saying, “O Muhammad! Your Lord sent greetings to you saying: I will fill Mecca with gold if you wish so.” But the Holy Prophet raised his head toward the sky saying, “O Lord! I will eat my fill one day to praise You and remain hungry to beg You.” [Reference: Uyun Akhbar al-Rida: 30/2, H 36.] ----- A humble request Please do pray for earliest restoration of Jannat al-Baqi; protection of Mausoleum of Sayyidah Zaynab bint ‘Alī ibn Abī Tālib (a.s.) and Sayyidah Ruqayyah/Sakina bint Hussain (a.s.), Safety of Lovers of Ahlul Bayt (a.s.) all over the world & early re-appearance of Imam-E-Zamana (atfs) Iltemase Dua The Path of the Ahle Bait (a.s.) Displaced Shiites denied proper health service Internally displaced Shiites in Sidoarjo, East Java, have had to help pay the medical bills for a hospitalized friend housed at the same shelter because the provincial administration does not provide adequate health insurance. Pakistan’s Shiites bury their dead after protest Quetta: Shiite Muslims in Pakistan’s troubled south-west on Friday buried the victims of a recent bomb attack after ending a protest following government assurances that the perpetrators would be hunted down. Afghan ex-minister escapes assassination attempt KABUL, Afghanistan — An influential former Afghan warlord who served as water and energy minister in a previous administration narrowly escaped an assassination attempt Friday in the countrys western Herat province, a police spokesman said. Iran-American Mozaffar Khazaee indicted for F-35 document theft An Iranian-American engineer accused of attempting to ship stolen documentation on a high-tech military plane to Iran has been indicted, US authorities say. Tunisias NCA agrees new constitution Tunisias parliament has agreed a new constitution, in a bid to end months of political deadlock and pave the way for elections later this year. UN nuclear chief: Long way to go on Iran nuclear deal The head of the UNs nuclear watchdog says the interim deal reached with Iran on its nuclear programme is an important step forward, but that there is still a long way to go. Syria regime may quit Geneva II talks Syrian Foreign Minister Walid Muallem has threatened to walk out of peace talks in Geneva just hours after they began, state media have said. Egypt militants step up campaign with Cairo blasts Militants have stepped up their campaign against security forces in Egypt with a series of explosions in the Egyptian capital, Cairo. South Africa: 4 police arrested in killing - South African police say four officers have been arrested after the fatal shooting of a protester during a demonstration that turned violent on the outskirts of Johannesburg. British Pakistani sentenced to death for blasphemy Mohammed Asghar had come to Pakistan in 2010 and he was accused of printing visiting cards in the name of the Prophet Mohammed (peace be upon him). To Receive free Islamic Articles send a blank mail to ahlulbayt.24434@gmail Kindly dont mark mails as SPAM, to unsubscribe, email with subject as Unsubscribe. Please remember us in your duas. [NOT CHECKED FOR ACCURACY OF QURANIC VERSES/RELEVANT FACTS/REFERENCES]
Posted on: Sat, 25 Jan 2014 10:39:32 +0000

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