News Breaking, It Has Been Revealed DPP Training Militia In Sudan - TopicsExpress


News Breaking, It Has Been Revealed DPP Training Militia In Sudan and Mozambique To Cause Violence After Defeat and Make Malawi Ungovernable. By Tabitha Silungwe and Ethel Gunde 05/05/2014 A leaked memo has revealed Democractic Progressive Party leaders Peter Mutharika and Mulli have financed youths for militia training with Renamo in Mozambique and Jihad fighters in Sudan to destabilise peace during and after elections in Malawi. Highly ranked sources within DPP have disclosed that DPP training of youth militias started way back in October 2013 which was meant to be preparing to perpetrate violence if Peter Mutharika was disqualified from contesting on the basis of having an American green card . Sources reveal part of the trained militia got involved in the killing of a police officer at Goliati in Thyolo but the group is now targeting general elections, part of the strategy to destabilise peace in Malawi in the likely event that DPP does not win as they plan to unleash violence using the militia while protesting the elections results thereby making this country ungovernable. I am a member of DPP but I fear God and I do not want to be part of this, thats why I am reporting to you, please hide my identity as I forward you information of the meetings we recently had . According to the documents, it has been confirmed that in preparation for the May 20 elections, the Democratic Progressive Party initiated a Think Tank of individuals dubbed as a Sub Cabinet and the main role of the think tank was to provide policy direction and advice to DPP leader Prof. Muntharika. The group is comprised of the following;, Former Inspector General of Police, Peter Mukhitho – Chairperson, Mr. Felix Malasha, Mr. Chris Kandulu, Mr. Mavuto Bamusi, Mr. Phillip Kamangil, Mr. Nkhoma, Dr. Collins Magalasi, Mr. Namakhwa (works with OIBM), Mr. Botomani (works with Area 30 Headquarters, brother to Patricia Kaliati), Mr. Botomomani (works with Min of Health, ) The group has been meeting and planning how the DPP can get back to power and found on the premise that Dr. Joyce Banda robbed them of the leadership of Malawi. The think tank together with the DPP leadership has made a resolution that either the DPP wins the elections or they should make this country ungovernable. According to highly confidential documents seen, theres a separate team of Former MBCTV Director Mr. Bright Malopa and Mr. Brian Bowler who are planning to create a parallel tally Centre with the aim to guide the think tank so that when they note that the election is being lost the violence can be ignited. The think tank has been responsible for all the press statements coming out of DPP and also creation of cell to ignite violence post 20 May elections. The think tank is recruiting youth within the DPP to create cells for violence, some being posted to train with Renamo fighters in Mozambique while others go as far as Sudan. The DPP source revealed there is an internal militia committee which is having series of meetings planning to unleash the militia shedding blood of innocent souls during elections especially when it is announced that Her Excellency Dr Joyce Banda has won. They are on a mission to destroy peace in Malawi. We are not going to allow that. They are not genuine people. They have paid party cadres to train with Renamo in Mozambique and Al Bashir who was a friend to late Bingu Wa Mutharika to destroy peace and stability after election. Said thesource Malawi Police have confirmed, We are working with lot of threats. We have received information about a group of people that is working with criminals to destabilise peace in Malawi after elections. We are taking this seriously and we have instituted investigations . Senior official at the Malawi Electoral Commission said , violence might cause loss of lives to innocent people . The most disappointing thing is that some parties are not preparing their supporters for a loss. This will be not good for the country, the process of preparing people for both a win or loss is healthy for peace to prevail in our nation and politicians must avoid languages that propagates violence. Political Observers said The violence we are seeing coming from DPP is not by accident. Those that are doing it know that they are doing it. The sad thing that is very wrong is that they are using our young people. They have no remorse for our young people, instead of empowering them with ethics and principles they love use them for violence, but that is not good. All that is fighting for leadership of this nation but a tall tree will always be there. In a forest you will always find one. You dont force yourself to be a leader. It seems there are people in Malawi who are trying to be tall trees when they are not. This is moment for Dr Joyce Banda and do not disturb peace.
Posted on: Sun, 11 May 2014 05:15:01 +0000

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