News & Not Necessarily the News Ive been combing the main - TopicsExpress


News & Not Necessarily the News Ive been combing the main (lame) stream broadcast news websites looking for “NEWS” and to see if what is on their web pages are similar to what they broadcast on the air. Most if not all were similar between the two which is disturbing to me to say the least. I could not find any mention of the real scandals plaguing the Whitehouse and the various departments controlled by the Whitehouse i.e. President Obama. I thought I would mention just a few even though there are more skeletons in the closet that We the People don’t know about because that is where the so called press keeps them for the President. IRS Targeting: If there was anything mentioned about the IRS “scandal” by the main stream media, it only covered what Darrell Issa did by cutting the mics after adjournment when Lois Lerner plead the 5th (again). The stories continued on with the possibility that Issa may be a racist for cutting the mics off on Elijah Cummings when all Cummings wanted to do was to berate the committee especially Issa for even investigating this scandal even further. Issa broke no rules by what he did and even apologized for his actions later but the racist seed was planted none the less because the left has no substance or facts to argue. Questions that the main (lame) stream media should be asking and reporting about this scandal (and yes it is a scandal) is if there is “NO THERE THERE” as the democrats claim then why would Lerner plead the 5th? Even with email evidence presented that would be incriminating to Lerner and to the recipient of that email, why is Cummings so adamant that there in no scandal hence the “NO THERE THERE” stupid comment? Cummings is trying to block this investigation or at least stall it until all elections are over because if the truth got out, the Democrats would potentially lose enough seats to cede power back to the Republicans in both houses but I think there is a more sinister reason for what Cummings potentially is doing. I believe that the President is involved at least to some degree with this scandal and Cummings is his first line of defense. I wouldnt be surprised if President Obama exercised executive privilege with regard to Lerner as he did with Eric Holder given the truth would be damning. Benghazi: You would have to look in the main stream media’s archives, buried deep to find anything related to Benghazi, the hearings or the cover-up if they even called it that. If they do mention the subject matter it typically is in defense of Hillary Clinton as they always cheerlead for her as is obvious by what they “report”. Again, there are powerful forces preventing Congress from doing its due diligence as far as the investigation. There are those within the Congress that are supposedly investigating that are really stalling the efforts of those that want to get to the bottom of this scandal. President Obama stated that all witnesses could testify without reprisals but who is stupid enough to believe that? I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that if the President really wanted the truth out, it would have been done well prior to the last presidential election but there is the rub. It would have proven that President Obama was truly incompetent and wasnt prepared for that 3 AM phone call like Hillary Clinton accused the then Senator Obama of but what is ironic is neither was Hillary. Four men died due to President Obama and Hilary Clinton’s incompetence yet no one has been held accountable and no, I repeat no responsibility has been taken by this administration for this “false” scandal as called by Obama himself. Fast and Furious: Eric Holder, “Eric the Incompetious” follows an ideology that on its face is corrupt to the highest degree given that he lied about Fast and Furious, a program he created and was responsible for. Never did the main stream media investigate this matter where as a border agent died at the hands of a gun that in essence Eric Holder sold to Mexican terrorist. Eric Holder claims no knowledge until it came out in the news but again, who is stupid enough to believe that crap, maybe the lame stream media does because they didnt report the truth and hold the administration accountable as the facts unfolded. The mass media allowed Fast and Furious to be buried when the Martin versus Zimmerman case was being over exploited by the media because the President along with Holder stuck their noses where it didnt belong. Eric Holder loved this moment because it got his name out of the spotlight Fast and Furious wise and replaced it with Eric trying to make this trial about racism. President Obama once said to judge him by whom he surrounds himself, what does that say about him in the broader picture. Eric Hold is the worse AG ever in American history but Obama says Eric is possible the best AG in history(?), you be the judge. Bottom Line: The “press” needs to start reporting the news instead of making up the news to suit their own agendas which all indications point to protecting liberals, progressives, even socialist leaning liberals and their leaders. Stop spreading propaganda, start spreading the truth and not the “truth” as you want to see it but were the real truth leads you. PS. Most Americans are not as think as you dumb we are. Just One’s Own Opinion
Posted on: Tue, 11 Mar 2014 14:02:03 +0000

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