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News Release , Tel: 01274 433526, Fax: 01274 432005, E-Mail: [email protected], Web: Issue Date: 11/03/2014 Road closures for Tour de France Get ready and plan ahead is the message from Bradford Council to those affected by the Tour de France Grand Départ, when it comes to the district. Bradford Council has today released initial information about road closures in the Bradford district, for the weekend of the 5 and 6 July, when the world’s largest annual sporting event arrives in Yorkshire. More specific details will be released closer to the event. The information reveals that those roads on and connected to the Stage routes are expected to be closed from very early in the morning and it is anticipated that they will need to be closed for a minimum of eight hours on the days that the race passes through. Certain roads may need to close earlier and remain closed for longer. This length of time is necessary to allow the route to be prepared and infrastructure to be put in place before the Tour’s publicity ‘caravan’, followed by around 200 riders and their support teams, pass through. The infrastructure then has to be removed and spectators allowed to disperse safely. Each Stage of the Tour de France is preceded two hours earlier by a procession of around 180 vehicles called the ‘caravan’, giving out memorabilia and publicity material to the crowds at the roadside. The routes will need to be clear of all public vehicles prior to the road closure time, with pedestrian access available while the roads are closed. Residents who have car parking on the route will be offered alternative parking where appropriate. It is expected that vehicle access to, and within, certain areas of the district will be significantly restricted, particularly for Stage two, and movement of traffic through places like Addingham, Ilkley, Burley-in-Wharfedale, Keighley, Silsden, Cross Roads, Haworth and Oxenhope will not be permitted. Revised bus and train timetables will be in operation. Full details for spectators and those wishing to access places along the route will be made available nearer to the event. Preparation for the race is an ongoing multi-agency operation, with emergency services and health and social care providers putting plans in place to maintain essential services and support for those who need it. Emergency access for ‘blue light’ services will be a priority. Meetings have already taken place with residents and businesses and will continue in the run-up to the race. Before the race the Council will write to residents and businesses in properties on or directly affected by the route with detailed information about which roads will be closed, when they are likely to be re-opened and what people can do to prepare. The council has also launched a new area of its website dedicated to all Tour-related information for Bradford between now and the race. The Grand Départ route through the Bradford district is expected to include dedicated spectator hubs at Ilkley on Stage One and Keighley and Haworth on Stage Two. At these hubs spectators will be able to watch the race on big screens and enjoy a range of family entertainment, with the numbers expected at the hubs helping to ease pressure on other parts of the Stages. Plans are also currently being finalised as to locations along the route for dedicated viewing spots for spectators with disabilities. The opening three stages of the 2014 Tour de France in England are expected to attract several million spectators to watch the race, bringing in more than £100million to the Yorkshire economy while also being seen by a worldwide television audience of billions. Stage Three is from Cambridge to London on Monday, 7 July. Council leader Coun David Green said: The Tour de France Grand Départ will be an amazing, once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for people to witness the spectacle of one of the world’s greatest events. It will bring with it unprecedented benefits to the district on a truly global scale. However, people need to realise that it will cause significant disruption to residents and businesses along the route as well as those planning to travel to places at either side of the route. Hosting such a massive event takes a phenomenal amount of planning and it will interrupt the normal routines of people within the district. Every effort is being made to not only ensure the race is a success, but also minimise as much as possible the impact on residents and businesses. Coun Val Slater, Executive Member for Housing, Transport and Planning, said: The information we have released today is a continuation of a process of giving local people the vital information they need, so they can start to make their own plans. All residents in the district, including those not directly on the route, need to think about how the event will impact on their daily life. People may need to change their normal plans or activities, so our message is very much, ‘talk to family and friends, spread the word, get ready and plan ahead’. All the latest information for the Bradford district is available on the Council’s website at There will also be information on the Council’s facebook page /BradfordMDC and on twitter @Bradfordmdc. For the latest news on the Grand Départ visit letouryorkshire Ends For more information please contact Alice Marshall in the Counils Press Office on 01274 433526 Notes for editors The following information will be on the Councils website Proposed road closures for the Tour de France Grand Départ 2014 can be found below The roads listed below will be closed from very early in the morning and for a minimum period of eight hours. This is to allow preparation of the race route, the handover to the Tour de France organisers, access for the publicity caravan (which comprises of around 180 sponsors vehicles), the race itself, the removal of race infrastructure, and the safe dispersal of spectators. Given the anticipated number of visitors to the Bradford district (around 150,000) it is likely that the roads will be closed for most of each day that the route comes through the area. Wherever feasible, access will be maintained on key routes which cross the closed roads for as long as possible before the race. Stage 1 road closures – Saturday, 5 July 2014 View on a map The route of Stage One starts in Leeds city centre, goes via Harewood and Otley before it comes into our district at Burley-in-Wharfedale. From Burley-in-Wharfedale the route goes to Ilkley and exits via the A65 towards Addingham. Once in Addingham it travels through the centre of the village, before heading out of the Bradford district and through the Yorkshire Dales. The final element of the stage sees the route return south passing through Ripon before the finish in Harrogate. To facilitate Stage One of the Tour de France 2014 the roads listed below must be closed from very early in the morning on the Saturday for a minimum of eight hours. A660 From the district boundary to A65 Burley-in-Wharfedale A65 From Burley-in-Wharfedale through Ilkley to Addingham, Main Street B6160 From Addingham Main Street to Skipton Road, Addingham Skipton Road From Addingham Main Street to A65 junction Addingham and Wharfedale Road A65 From Skipton Road junction to the district boundary Stage 2 road closures – Sunday, 6 July 2014 Stage Two of the Grand Départ starts in York and travels through Knaresborough and Harrogate before entering the Bradford district, racing into Addingham from the roundabout at Bolton Abbey before it heads to Silsden. The route goes through the centre of Silsden, over the canal and out along the main road and onto the A629 by-pass to Keighley. Once at the roundabout the cyclists take a right onto Hard Ings Road and left at the next roundabout heading in to Keighley via Skipton Road. The route goes through Keighley on North Street and South Street, before heading up to Cross Roads. From Cross Roads the riders will travel downhill to Haworth before tackling the cobbles of Haworth Main Street. Once at the top of Haworth, the riders head left along West Lane towards Stanbury before turning left to ride along the dam of Lower Laithe reservoir and on to Oxenhope. From Oxenhope the route goes left on Hebden Bridge Road and heads out of the district to Hebden Bridge. The final part of Stage Two sees the riders tackle Cragg Vale before passing through Huddersfield and Holmfirth and taking on the Holme Moss climb and the final descent into Sheffield for the finish. Please note: The Caravan will not be travelling up Haworth Main Street on the cobbles but will use Rawdon Road. To facilitate Stage Two of the Tour de France 2014 the roads listed below must be closed from very early in the morning on the Sunday for a minimum of eight hours. A6160 Bolton Road From district boundary to Addingham Main Street A6160 From Bolton Road junction via Main Street/Silsden Road to A65 roundabout A6034 From A65 roundabout through Silsden to A629 roundabout A629 bypass From A6034 Keighley Road roundabout to Hard Ings Road roundabout A629 From Hard Ings Road roundabout through Keighley via Skipton Road/North Street/High Street/South Street/Halifax Road/Wesley Place/Halifax Road to A6033 Haworth Road roundabout A6033 Haworth Road From A629 Halifax Road roundabout at Cross Roads to Lees Lane B6142 From A6033 junction via Lees Lane/Mill Hey/Station Road/Bridgehouse Lane to Main Street Haworth Main Street & Changegate From Bridgehouse Lane to North Street B6142 Rawdon Road From Bridgehouse Lane to Changegate junction North Street/West Lane Main Street/Sun Lane/Main Street From Changegate to Reservoir Road junction Reservoir Road From Main Street/Sun Lane junction to Enfield Side Road/Cemetery Road junction Moorside Lane/W Shaw Lane/Shaw Lane From Enfield Side Road/Cemetery Road to Hebden Bridge Road A6033 Hebden Bridge Road From Shaw Lane to district boundary Information about road closures Road closures and various forms of temporary traffic management will also be deployed on other roads in the Bradford district leading to the race route to facilitate the safe movement of motorists, pedestrians and cyclists to the various spectator points along the race route. We are working with partner agencies and landowners across the district who are identifying temporary car parks, campsites and events. Further information about these road closures, one-way systems and restrictions on the movement of vehicles will be released closer to the event. Where can I view diversion and access routes? Diversion and access routes are being developed as part of the traffic management plan. Further details will be provided closer to the event. Why cant you specify road closure times? We cant give precise timings for the closures, as there are so many variable factors which affect timings - such as: · the race timing itself; · the numbers of spectators; and · their arrival times Roads will need to be closed for a minimum period of eight hours, but given the anticipated number of visitors, it is likely that the roads will be closed for most of the day. Roads will be re-opened as soon as it is safe to do so. We need to make sure that spectators have had the opportunity to move from the roadside, that race infrastructure can be safely removed and any highway infrastructure (such as traffic signals) that have been temporarily removed can be reinstalled. We expect the majority of roads to reopen by the evening of the race. However, some may be later. When will I be told if my street is affected? We are aiming to publish details of road closures within the next few months. Please be aware that although your road may not be closed there is likely to be heavy traffic and congestion in areas around the route. When will it all get back to normal? Once the event has finished we will open roads as soon as possible. Please bear in mind that we will need to allow for spectators to leave the area, people cycling behind the race and the removal of barriers and infrastructure along the route. Issued by Alice Percival on 11/03/2014 13:35:42
Posted on: Tue, 11 Mar 2014 15:20:01 +0000

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