News Update: 26/07/14 Russia is elevating their combat potential - TopicsExpress


News Update: 26/07/14 Russia is elevating their combat potential in a Ukraine conflict, with 15,000 troops massed against the border & heavy artillery and armoured vehicles prepared to move into Ukraine, possibly under the guise of rebels, or possibly with actual armed forces. The pro-Russian rebels have also moved into museums and taken tanks and cannons from storage. The combat elevation possibly follows the resignation of the Ukrainian Prime Minister this Thursday, after two major parties broke away from the coalition. Other news in the region: A US cyclist was killed in Russia by a drunk truck driver. The man had cycled through 50 countries to campaign for peace and charity services. Russia wants to breach Tor, offering 100,000 to anyone who can come up with a way to ID those using the anonymous internet browser service, most likely the 200,000 Russians who regularly use it. A mass grave has been found in eastern Ukraine, with evidence of execution style killings of civilians. In unrelated news: Dutch and Australian forces are looking to move into the MH-17 crash site to secure it from further disruption. Israel has been accused of shelling a hospital in Gaza. Numerous injured Palestinians & internationals were further injured by multiple direct hits to the hospital, in what was either a very unlucky, or very targeted attack on the health facility. A humanitarian truce has been agreed to by both sides, set to begin in about 2 hours (05:00 GMT), lasting for 12 hours, allowing civilians to flee, and aid to arrive. The African Ebola epidemic (but could be fairly called a pandemic?) continues. A man has died in Lagos, Nigeria from the disease, meaning Ebola has reached Africas most populous country. The first victim of the disease in Sierra Leones capital, Freetown, was forcibly removed from the hospital by her family. Her whereabouts are still unknown. Wikipedias chief has entered the right to be forgotten debate, saying a private company like Google Inc. should not be responsible for deciding what information remains public, and what is removed. 90,000 censorship requests, half of which have been approved, have been submitted, relating to 300,000 different pages. Obama is getting annoyed at US firms that are flouting tax laws by setting up shop in Ireland. The tax laws in Ireland are much less steep than those in almost every other country, allowing flouting of tax requirements. TIL: Steve Jobs didnt like the Steve Wozniak had the #1 spot in Apple when they first assigned numbers based on order joined. So he did the only logical thing, and made himself #0. electronicsweekly/mannerisms/yarns/apples-employee-no-0-2008-11/ Source: theglobeandmail/news/world/russia-massing-15000-troops-on-ukraine-border-us-nato-envoy-says/article19768254/ dailydot/politics/russia-research-break-tor/ themoscowtimes/article/504077.html america.aljazeera/articles/2014/7/25/liberian-with-ebolalikesymptomsdiesinnigeria.html reuters/article/2014/07/25/us-health-ebola-africa-idUSKBN0FU1DB20140725
Posted on: Sat, 26 Jul 2014 03:41:47 +0000

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