News WSMV-TV Channel 4, Nashville, WZTV FOX 17 News, Nashville, I - TopicsExpress


News WSMV-TV Channel 4, Nashville, WZTV FOX 17 News, Nashville, I have a son who was bullied and mistreated and not by students but by teachers in Rusellville Elementary School as he graduated from class to class he was singled out as and numbered as a bad child because he has conduct disorder and he has adhd my child is a very loving child but he has a hard time in large groups and feels he gets lost in crowds and so he tends to be goofy to get attention sometimes when it is time that he should be working and when goofy doesnt work he goes on to sometimes act out because of his disorders children bully him as well and refuse to play with him or gas him up to keep acting out because he has this disorder and they have no classes to be able to put him in for kids with mental disorders they keep him in class with children who are kids without mental disorders and set the standard for him to act like all the rest but this is just is not the case you can not ask a child with mental problems to never act out or never be who they truly are mentally and he is so intelligent and so loving he just is different so teachers was going to the next teacher he had for the following years and warning them hey this is a bad child and he is going to be nothing but trouble and telling the teacher that he was a menace and so he was getting a bad wrap before school ever starts. He is not a bad person or a child who acts out all the time hes problems seem to be very seasonal and when he doesnt get enough exercise and enough time to move he tends to act out more but instead of giving him that physical time out side or in gym they take that precious time to him away which just stems to make things worse, not help to make it better! Sometimes emotions can be the stem for children to bully children as well my oldest son tends to cry more than most children and nothing seems to help depression and bipolar and adhd panic attacks and anxiety conduct disorder along with a long list of other problems tends to run in my side of the family so naturally being a person with alot of the same problems as my children I sympathize with my children and believe a class room with smaller amounts of children will truly make a difference and also keep children like mine from distracting children who do not have these problems it would make it so much more comfortable for children who want to learn to be in a setting with other children who want to learn and give those who would rather act out a place where if they want to walk around the room while learning the freedom to do so, my middle son has a great attention span when he is moving around a lot, but in confined, and limited moments he becomes restless and annoyed and agitated and has a really hard time learning and sometimes if he doesnt understand something he made need more time with being educated on exactly what the problem is so he can better understand that and in a smaller class room setting where there was only a handful of children he could get the attention he needs and deserves and by all laws I have found that our federal government has set into place I find that they are suppose to HAVE to offer these classes and they do not they say that keeping children like mine in a class with children not like him is teaching him how to act but, I find all it is doing is getting him suspended and put in in school suspension constantly and is drawing him further and further behind in his studies! So in what way exactly is it better to keep him in class making D;s when he could be in a smaller class setting and making As if he really had a teacher who could focus more on him when needed!!!????? Signed: Heidi Lynn Leach a Mother who truly cares more for her children than own life!!! Children are our future and they can be anything if we start nurturing them more and help them to want to engage in school more and make them feel important in school and stop making them feel dumb or ignorant for having a hard time thinking before they act! This is a true injustice! People all over the world are being bullied in one way or another and it looks like there is no end in sight!!!! Last time I checked to threaten anyones life that is an American Citizen even if they themselves are an American it is still terroristic threating and I think holding a knife to a boys throat and threatening to kill him would qualify as such and all that was there while this was taking place would be an accomplice in the crime and should be arrested! How can we teach our children bulling is wrong when even the Police in their Own town help the bullies and punish him further by letting these boys go free??? If this was my child I would have to ask for a change of venue and ask that all officers involved have to step aside and just let the facts of the case be heard and video such as this should be allowed in court to make the children involved get the maximum sentencing possible to teach children bulling is a crime that is punishable by law!!! Stop allowing people to hurt our children this is why children grow up to become mass murderers and crazy lunies who blow themselves up along with a whole school because things like this are allowed and swept under rugs!!!! I want to thank Mrs Skaggs for letting me know about the things that are being said about my own child and how he was being singled out and pushed out of the school for not being mentally as sane as some of the other children and for showing me that at some point it is time for us as parents to stand up for our children and stop all this violence in our schools and neighborhoods!!!
Posted on: Sun, 17 Aug 2014 19:09:42 +0000

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