News [Watch] Amnesty Includes Middle Eastern Men – All Nations - TopicsExpress


News [Watch] Amnesty Includes Middle Eastern Men – All Nations Should Review Immigration Policies They are questions that should have been asked a long time ago by those in a position to do something about it. What’s so great about multi-culturalism and why are various governments around the world so heavily promoting it, particularly when there is little to no associated assimilation into the national culture? It’s not a good thing; it’s bad for a nation’s character and the future peace of their citizens. France today is a demonstration of that reality. Aside from the terrorism of last week, France had recently been rejoicing at there having been “only” 940 cars torched by Muslims on New Year’s Eve. It doesn’t take a Mensa membership to figure out these aren’t the kind of people one wants to have within their borders, let alone as citizens. There is no disputing that France has to a large degree created their own problem and now must attempt to extricate themselves from a very difficult situation. Ten percent of their population is Muslim and that number continues to grow. Their national identity is quickly being eroded, with the rule of law in some areas being given over to Sharia “No Go” zones, where French police and non-Muslim citizens are not welcome. Walid Phares points out that the French President has once again put the Islamic back into Islamic terrorism in identifying the enemy just as the United States did following 9/11. He notes how in the U.S., once Hussein Obama took over, all references to the source and perpetrators of Islamic terrorism were scrubbed from the United States government and all of its agencies. In its place an abstract narrative that did not identify the Islamic component was inserted. He notes how there is nothing wrong with admitting that “a movement” exists which is rooted in radical Muslim extremism and it is critical to do so in order to effectively fight it. Tucker Carlson asks, “Will someone somewhere make the obvious point that perhaps France is having these problems because it has the largest Muslim population in Europe as a result of its immigration policies? Is it time to rethink immigration policies in Europe and also by the way here in North America to pay attention to the country of origin? Is it a good idea to let a lot of people from countries where violent Islamism is rife to come into this country? What do we get out of it? These are the kind of questions you might be hearing in coming days.” Whether those questions are in fact addressed by those who have swung so many doors wide open is a good question. They certainly need to be. Another reality that is rarely discussed is that under the Obama illegal amnesty, Middle Eastern terrorists would also qualify right alongside Mexicans and Hondurans for legal status. It is even possible that a component of instituting the illegal amnesty declaration in the first place was the cover that it provided for Muslim terrorists. Certainly Hussein Obama and his comrades are no strangers to terror-connected Muslims, having installed a government which consisted of them under Morsi in Egypt. One thing is certain. The Obama regime can’t be trusted and it is up to the American people to protect ourselves and our nation from the subversive forces which clearly are at work.
Posted on: Thu, 15 Jan 2015 23:19:06 +0000

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