News about the state of affairs of the Ummah. The Prophet(s.a.w) - TopicsExpress


News about the state of affairs of the Ummah. The Prophet(s.a.w) said whosoever awakens not concerned with Muslims(affairs) is not from them Topic: The disbelieving states lead by America gives and promotes to the Ummah two choices: Accept the ISIS(Iraq-Syria) as Islamic State or reject any idea of Islamic State, accept Secular democracy and help us against Muslims-as if the ISLAMIC STATE BY THE PROPHET(S.A.W) IS UNKNOWN!!! Quoting from Reuters, about US making allies with Muslims to fight Muslims: After talks in Saudi Arabias summer capital Jeddah, Secretary of State John Kerry won backing from 10 Arab countries - Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon and six Gulf states including rich rivals Saudi Arabia and Qatar - for a coalition to fight the Sunni militants that have seized swathes of Iraq and Syria. A State Department official traveling with Kerry said the top U.S. diplomat would the ask allies to make room for U.S. military activity:.. Kerry would also urge regional television news outlets, particularly Qatari-owned Al Jazeera and Saudi-owned Al Arabiya, to air anti-extremist messages. Governments in the region would be urged to press mosques to preach against Islamic State. They need to get at the clerics because the clerics can get at the mosques in the neighborhood and they have to expose ISIL for what it is, the official told reporters. End of Quote Comment: This evil plots by the Kaafir states lead by america reveals that: 1. America, its western kaafir allies and its puppet rulers of Muslim lands continue to distort the image of the righteous Islamic Khilafah state established by the Prophet(s.a.w) which lead the world in civilization, sciences, culture and material advances for over 12centuries until it was destroyed by the same kaafir states. thus they exploit the sorry state of sectarian fighting america created in Iraq and the resistance of the ummah to puppet rulers, to educate us about our own Deen! So how does Obama want teach us what the Khilafah state established by the Prophet(s.a.w) truly is if not a distortion of facts?. 2. decades ago, Muslims werent clear about Khilafah as an obligatory political system for Muslims, and this was due to the deliberate distortions by the kaafir states and their puppets after they managed to destroy the Khilafah state after centuries of hard work. 3. the puppet rulers established by them continue to work against Islam to protect their crooked thrown and sell their Deen. though Allah(swt) has forbidden this allies they make. Yes, ISIS is not the righteous Islamic State from the Prophet(s.a.w), it is a militant group! but Is the existence of The righteous Islamic Khilafah state not obligatory upon all Muslims? The Prophet(s.a.w) said The children of Israel were looked after (i.e. their affairs) by their prophets. Whenever a prophet died, another succeeded him, but there will be no prophet after me. There will be Khulafaa and they will number many. They asked, ‘What then do you order us? He said, Fulfill the bayah to them, one after the other and give them their dues [Muslim] THUS, ALL THE RULERS ON EARTH AND OVER THE MUSLIMS ARENT PERMITTED TO RULE THE MUSLIM UMMAH!!! ONLY THE RIGHTEOUS ISLAMIC KHILAFAH STATE IS PERMITTED! Lastly,here is a Quote regarding the truth of the Kaafir states of europe and america who worked hard to destroy the Khilafah and to prevent it from ever returning to date: When the Islamic Khilafah State existed, even in an intellectually declined state, The Euro-pean states could not imagine that one day the Muslims could be ruled by other than Islam, or that they could rule the Muslims directly. They then sought to dismember the state. The negotiations which took place in 1915, during the war between Russia, Britain and France, made mention of this. In a memorandum presented to Russia as a reply to her own memorandum pertaining to this issue, France and Britain included one clause which stated : .Safeguarding the sacred places in the Islamic lands and the Arab lands under the rule of an independent Islamic state.. And in the Russian memorandum, sent in reply to the Anglo-French proposals, there was a clause stating : .The undertaking of a crucial decision pertain-ing to the future relations between the Islamic states which you aim at establishing over the ruins of the Ottoman State and at separating them from the Khilafah, is a matter that con-cerns the government of his majesty the Czar.. It also added : .The government of his majes-ty the Czar would wish wholeheartedly to remove the Khilafah from the Turks, but at the same time they wish wholeheartedly to secure the freedom of Hajj and not to interfere in any little thing that may offend the Muslims..In a telegram listing the Italian demands and sent to the Russian foreign minister, the Russian ambassador to London wrote : .The Italian gov-ernment supports the opinion of the Russian government about the need to separate the Islamic government to be established in Hijaz, over the debris of the Ottoman Sultanate, from the Khilafah and to place it under the absolute control of Britain. The Italian government sup-port with all its force the removal of the Khilafah from the Turks and its total abolition if necessary End of quote However the Prophet(s.a.w) has promised its return: The Messenger of Allah (saw) said: The Prophethood will be among you as long as Allah wills, then he will eliminate it if he so wills. Then a khilafah on the method of Prophethood will prevail so long as Allah wills, then he will eliminate it if he so wills. Then there will be a biting monarchy as long as Allah wills, then he will eliminate it if he so wills. Then there will be an oppressive monarchy as long as Allah wills, then he will eliminate it if he so wills. THEN A KHILAFAH ON THE METHOD OF PROPHETHOOD WILL PREVAIL and he kept silent. [Ahmed] Listen further to: The Radio Report Khilafah Conference September 6 in East London by The purely political Islamic party who clarifies for the Ummah that which is corrupted of the pure Sunnah for over 50years leading to the Righteous Islamic State upon the Method of the Prophethood highlights the matter for the Ummah: listen here...
Posted on: Fri, 12 Sep 2014 06:41:01 +0000

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