News article said 53% of the people in America blame the - TopicsExpress


News article said 53% of the people in America blame the Republican Party for the shut down. Can that many Americans can be that stupid. Come on now. If they are I am ashamed of my fellow americans. That means over half of the people didnt hear Obama say he would veteo any bill that didnt give him everything he wanted. Over half the people didnt know that the House sent a bill forward funding the entire government with just a year hold on Obamacare so it could be looked at and improved. And Obama saying he would veteo it if it reached his desk. Of course he didnt have to. The #1 Democrat in the Senate sat on the bill and refused to allow a vote on it till the government shut down. So actually I would say Harry Reid shut the government down. Look at all theh problems they are having with Obamacare right now. Obama is running our government. My way or no way. Didnt the United States start because of one man with the same attitude. You know the King of England. And didnt the English citizens realize that was not the way to run a country ans ask him to let some of his power go to Parliment. If I remember my history right he frefused and they cut his head off. Now there is a thought.
Posted on: Tue, 22 Oct 2013 10:04:53 +0000

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