News media favorable to Israel and, quite inexplicably, supposed - TopicsExpress


News media favorable to Israel and, quite inexplicably, supposed “anti-Zionist” blogs, are carrying a strange story attributing threats of “kinetic strikes” against Syria to General Martin Dempsey, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, America’s highest military leader. Thousands of news and conspiracy sites misquote General Dempsey as advocating “brute force” against Syria and favoring use of “kinetic strikes.” Here are Dempsey’s actual words: “About the use of kinetic strikes? That issue is under deliberation inside of our agencies of government and it would be inappropriate for me to try to influence the decision with me rendering an opinion in public about what kind of force we should use. I will let this committee know what my recommendations are at the appropriate time” (General Martin Dempsey, Chairman, JCOS) In truth, the calls for such strikes came from Senator John McCain of Arizona, a member of the Israeli lobby who met with Al Qaeda leaders in Syria in late May, 2013. In a live video interview, broadcast around the world on CSPAN, Senator McCain attacked General Dempsey for his failure to advise President Obama to intervene militarily in Syria. McCain attacked Dempsey for failing to support the American “surge” in Iraq in 2006, citing America’s tremendous success though, seven years later, American-backed Wahhabist terrorists kill dozens each day. McCain also fails to note that the forces he supported in Iraq, forces he met with in Syria, are, in fact, Al Qaeda. Senator McCain, son of Admiral Sidney McCain, famous for orchestrating the cover-up of the USS Liberty incident in 1967, is himself more than slightly notorious in military circles. On July 29, 1967, only weeks after the attempted sinking of the USS Liberty, then Lt. John McCain nearly became the first American pilot to sink an American aircraft carrier. While on the USS Forrestal, McCain fired the afterburners of his jet fighter as a prank to “singe” the pilot waiting behind him for takeoff. The flames from McCain’s aircraft set off the missiles on the plane behind him killing 134 sailors and maiming 169. A few months later, McCain was shot down over North Vietnam. While a prisoner there, he aided North Vietnamese gunners by training them in tactics and predicting American bombing routes. (Source: Colonel Earl Hopper USA SF, Sgt Major John Holland, USMC). McCain made thirty-two propaganda broadcasts (all classified) for the North Vietnamese while a prisoner. When he returned home, he was called “the Manchurian Candidate” after a film character who was programmed to spy for the communists while held prisoner. McCain received a presidential pardon after being charged with treason by Colonel Ted Guy USAF, his commanding officer while a POW. McCain is the leading proponent for US interference against Syria on behalf of Israel. As Deputy Chairman (minority party) of the Senate Armed Forces Committee, he has used his post to support continued wars. Military intelligence experts believe that McCain’s positions may be related to a combination of mental instability tied to the traumatic stress from his imprisonment exacerbated by blackmail, initially for his acts as a prisoner of war and later for his involvement in the Lincoln Savings and Loan scandals. Hoaxes tied to Israel “delegitimization” A week ago, the European Union voted sanctions against Israel for its failure to bargain in good faith over both seized Palestinian lands outside the 1949 ceasefire lines and its illegal use of lands occupied after the 1967 War. In addition, Israel’s chosen presidential candidate Mitt Romney was defeated in a landslide sweep for President Obama who has now chosen to surround himself with advisors believed unfriendly to Israel. This and other factors have left Israel politically isolated, in its weakest condition, since the 1956 Suez Crisis. As a psychological operation to counter the reality of “delegitimization,” the decades-old effort to challenge the legal status of what many call an “apartheid state,” Israel uses its influence in the world’s media to introduce continual hoaxes, smearing enemies and misattributing acts favorable to Israel that are, in actuality, very unfavorable. Thus, reports of “no-fly zones” over Syria or Russia failing to deliver the S300 defense system to Syria are concocted, these and more. The most recent is the attempt to destroy General Martin Dempsey, whose tenure as America’s top solider is up for reconfirmation. The false stories spread through the news and “blogosphere” are part of the effort to, not only make Israel look strong when she is reeling and in decline, but to destroy Dempsey in the process. General Dempsey’s questioning at the hands of Senator McCain is available for perusal. A review of the actual statements made and their context will clearly demonstrate that General Dempsey is more than slightly opposed to the use of force by the United States against Syria. M.D
Posted on: Wed, 24 Jul 2013 05:43:30 +0000

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