Newsflash: Dementia is preventable! Another headline yesterday, - TopicsExpress


Newsflash: Dementia is preventable! Another headline yesterday, Dementia numbers to rise across Australia. It is now commonly reported that rates of dementia and Alzheimers are expected to almost double by 2030. Can experts explain why rates are rising so quickly? It can no longer be explained away by a growing ageing population. Especially since many people are now being diagnosed younger and younger; in their 40s! Reports claim there is no cure or prevention, but this is simply not the case. Alzheimers is a form of diabetes. And, all over the world, in alternative circles, it is referred to as Type 3 diabetes. When we eat sugar and carbohydrates, we create insulin to transport our glucose to where it is needed. We can ONLY USE OR STORE A VERY SMALL AMOUNT OF GLUCOSE AT ANY ONE TIME. If we have extra, we store it in our fat tissue. This process is perfect for times of famine, because we then have fat stores when food is in short supply. But, we now have access to WAY TOO MANY CARBOHYDRATES, so we produce more and more insulin, and we store more and more FAT. Eventually, the body gets tired of this UNNATURAL process, so it stops producing insulin. Then we have insulin resistance/Type 2 diabetes. We have tons of glucose, but we cant get it to our cells. And, what happens when we cant get glucose to our brain cells? They die. Then we have Alzheimers, which is why it is called Type 3 Diabetes. We need to get the truth out there so people can stop suffering needlessly.
Posted on: Thu, 30 Jan 2014 22:11:11 +0000

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