Newsletter: July 2013 The year seems to be running away fast – I - TopicsExpress


Newsletter: July 2013 The year seems to be running away fast – I think they say that is a sign of old age, well having past yet another year ending with a 0 I suppose I have to agree !! Enough of that, age is only a number after all !! I will try very hard to make this Newsletter enjoyable to read, but believe me that isn’t going to be easy. The way I look at it is, whatever has gone before once they are safely in our baskets we are walking away and leaving their past behind – so however sad their ‘tails’ we are going to change all of that by making their little lives worth living with people and new homes where they will be truly loved, safe and cared for in a way they all so dearly deserve – their previous experiences only a distant memory. Now for some of our ‘Happy Tails’ ‘Merlin’ now 10 years old waited 2 long years to be chosen, but at long last that day came and he is now ADORED and is living in the lap of luxury with Nikki and Jo. ‘Merlin’ has never been a very brave person when it comes to people he doesn’t know, but once you have passed the test you will be wearing him like a scarf – that is no mean feat believe me as he is rather on the large size !!! He took ‘CoCo’ with him when he went to his new home – she can be a little bossy at times, but being the gentleman he is he doesn’t let it get to him, he just looks and walks off !! ‘CoCo’ came to us with her kittens and was going back to the owner once she had been spayed, but they ceased contact, so that was that !! They did her a favour though believe me !! ‘Harley’ was also with us for a very long time, but he went to Lorraine and David as a foster cat and they soon felt they would like to keep him – so he has joined their little feline family (which seems to be growing !!) and has settled in really well. At last he has a lovely home – and the wait was very well worth it ! ‘Millie’ – abandoned when only 6 weeks old and ‘Pickles’ also abandoned, but at a different location, when barely 8 weeks old are now in a lovely home together. I went to see them recently and they both looked amazing. They have grown up a little now and they are two very happy little girls – a lovely ending to a very bad start to their little lives. ‘Libby’ 11 years old came to us last summer with her 4 kittens. I dread to think how many litters she had produced – 20 maybe ? The owners should be ashamed, but they weren’t ! Once I got this little family safely in the car, I just wanted to drive and get as far away from there as possible. ‘Libby’ is now much loved and has taken over Ruth’s life and her home !! Needless to say she is spayed !! Most of ‘Libby’s’ kittens are now in new homes, but sadly ‘Tilly’ – now nearly a year old – still waits to catch someone’s eye. ‘Bracken’ and ‘Bramble’ went to a new home together and are loving it. ‘Topsy’ only recently went to a new home and she took ‘Misty’ with her – ‘Misty’ was abandoned at Puckpool Park on New Years Eve with ‘Holly.’ ‘Tiddles’ is now living permanently with Lorraine and David and their feline family – now you can see how their furry family numbers are increasing, because they also have ‘Mitsie’ a dear little black/white girl who was abandoned by her previous owner. ‘Dappy’ and ‘Bobbie’ are also in a new home together where they have settled well. They were not related, but whilst they were here they were together, so great pals by the time someone fell for their irresistible charms ! ‘Dorothy’ is also in a new home with Caroline and Ian and their feline and canine family ( ex Feline Welfare rescues ! ) She is a lovely gentle little cat, and almost instantly took to their little dog which was lovely. We took ‘Smokie’ from a lady in West Wight who was sadly going into residential care. Poor ‘Smokie’ has had a checkered past, through no fault of her own. We helped with her last year, but this time we knew she would need a new home. We have no idea who owned her originally, she just appeared and a family took her in – BUT a few years down the road they moved and LEFT her behind ?!! She then adopted the little lady opposite and was with her for about 2 years. At some stage ‘Smokie’ had lost her tail, why or when we shall never know. ‘Smokie’s’ journey ends here though as she is now living with Shirley who absolutely adores her – in fact the feeling is mutual !!! This little girl has had to wait a long time for stability but now she has definitely found it. HOME AT LAST ‘SMOKIE’ Sadly one of our permanent ‘foster Mum’s’ passed away last December, so young ‘Rosie’ – 17 years of age !! came back to me and took over the front room. ‘Rosie’ has been on supportive treatment for her kidneys for well over a year, but still seems to be happy and enjoying life. I thought she may have to stay here with me because of her age and condition but NO she is now living with Betty and has settled really well. She sometimes potters out in the garden but always stays very close to ‘Mum’ otherwise she will be found lounging either on a bed or the settee. It is very sad when elderly animals loose their homes, as some will find it difficult to adjust, but with the right person and surroundings it really can be a happy ending. We were asked to take a 17 year old and a 15 year old earlier this year. When I collected them from the house I knew instantly that they both had extreme dental problems – and that was before opening their mouths ! My fears were soon confirmed. The ONLY way I was able to take these dear elderly cats was because Joy very kindly said she would foster them for me, with a view to them becoming permanent ! We took them to the Vet and they had EXTENSIVE dental treatment. ‘Candy’ had 4 teeth left after the surgery and ‘Oliver’ only 2. ( I have changed their names so as not to offend anyone ) Both needed ongoing antibiotic treatment and pain relief but they did recover well and so did their mouths. We did have to face great sadness though as a few weeks later. ‘Oliver’ seemed to be having problems eating, so off to the Vet we went only to be given some devastating news. Due to the extent of his previous oral disease he now had an oral tumour. ‘Oliver’ has now gone to sleep but believe me he was VERY dearly loved and he had everything he could ever ask for, it is just SO sad that his time with Joy was so short. Just one example of how important our animals teeth are, but all too often pet owners do not consider their animals oral health, even though they go to the dentist themselves every 6 months !! Joy has since helped me with two other elderly cats – ‘Fudge’ and ‘Edge’ both nearly 14 years old. I had a call as the owner was moving his furniture out of the house, soon to be locking the door firmly behind him !! To say I went into panic mode is an understatement !! Thank You Joy for making it possible for us to take these lovely boys, I can’t even think what would have happened if you hadn’t stepped in to help us. We asked our Vet to check the boys over before they went to Joy, and surprise, surprise more dental issues, and one of them may be hyperthyroid – and so it goes on !! We are yet to take them for their dentals as we wanted to give them time to settle first, but they will get the treatment they need over the next week or two. Hopefully they will be able to stay with Joy permanently, but of course ‘Candy’ will have the last word !! We were called out to look at a little elderly, blind cat who had turned up on someone’s doorstep. In fact when they opened the front door, not knowing she was there, she literally toppled in. It was blowing a gale and pouring with rain and she was soaked. Her coat was matted, dirty and flea infested and she was very thin. This couple have two dogs, but ‘Jingles’ didn’t seem to mind that she just wanted warmth, food and somewhere to rest her old bones Bless Her. We had her checked at the Vets, and surprise, surprise she too had rotten teeth, which of course were causing her pain, discomfort and the inevitable infection and inflammation, so we had her dental problems sorted out for her. This dear little girl now has a permanent home with this lovely couple. She only goes out into the garden, because of her total lack of sight she isn’t allowed to roam free. Where she came from originally we shall probably never know, doors were knocked, neighbours were asked but no one seemed to know anything about her, and she had not been reported missing to any of the Rescue Centres, Vets etc. One thing is for sure though, she will never want for anything EVER again and if they need any help with her in the future we are here for them. ‘Gypsy’ and ‘Gemma’ came from the same household as ‘Mitsie’ but they were only about 3 months old at the time, and their abandonment had a more devastating effect on them. They were always very nervous, so prospective owners never really gave them a second look. Well all that is firmly behind them and they have become permanent residents here at ‘Bo-Jangles’ !!! I keep drawing a line, but then I find I have to move it yet again !! Anyway they are quite happy with life, but will always be timid especially of people they don’t know. ‘Boris’ and ‘Bonnie’ came to us as the owner could not take them with her when she moved. Neither were neutered but thankfully ‘Bonnie’ wasn’t pregnant ! A miracle !! Although ‘Boris’ is quite nervous initially of people they were very soon chosen and they are both really happy in their new home which is lovely. They are sharing their home with an older cat but she doesn’t seem at all perturbed which is lovely – the final decision was down to her obviously, as we wouldn’t have wanted to upset her. ‘Rosie’ and ‘Jim’ were born in a stable and lived as outdoor kittens until coming to us – well they are permanent residents as well now !! They are very tiny still even though they are probably nearly a year old, and must look as if I don’t feed them !! Believe me they eat for England !! They are perfectly happy little people and now free to roam ….. they rarely leave the garden and when they do they are only on the bank at the back, other than that they are in the house tripping me up !! Their life is in their paws now and I just do as I’m told !! ‘Bella’ needed a new home as her owner was moving and the landlord did not allow animals in the property. She too had brought up a litter of kittens but still wasn’t spayed – that was very quickly remedied ! ‘Bella’ went to stay with Lorraine and David for several months but then went to Jill to be fostered. Well to cut a long story short she is STAYING !! She sleep IN Jills bed at night and has basically taken over !! She gets on really well with the rest of Jill’s feline family, so it has all worked out really well which is lovely for all concerned. ‘Burnie’ was found in a remote area by a passer-by in an almost collapsed state. He is elderly but is also hyperthyroid, so is now on treatment. He is a delightful character and purrs as soon as you look at him !! Well, elderly or not he is now in a lovely new home ! Barbara and Mavis have taken this lovely boy into their hearts and their home and he is settling really well Bless Him. We shall be continuing with his treatment but as I desperately needed somewhere to put ‘Ellie’ and her kitten Barbara said they would take ‘Burnie’ sooner to make space for these other abandoned furry people. These are just some of our feline friends who are now in loving homes, but at present we have over 30 cats and kittens waiting to start their new lives with people who REALLY care – here are just some and the ‘tails’ they have to tell. We had a call on New Year’s Day to say two cats had been abandoned in Puckpool Park at Seaview. They were duly brought over to us, but it was very soon realized that ‘Holly’ had been feeding kittens. We did trace where the kittens were, but they hadn’t been abandoned with ‘Holly’ and ‘Misty’ in the Park. This was definitely not a good start to the year, and I am afraid the cat situation has not improved since. ‘Misty’ now has a lovely home but ‘Holly’ still waits patiently to be chosen so she can get on with her life in a loving and safe home. She is not alone needless to say as she is sharing with ‘Tilly’ and ‘Bruno.’ ‘Bruno’ came to us as a roaming undoctered tom. He is adorable but a little like the lion from the ‘Wizard of Oz’ – he was definitely at the end of the queue when courage was being given out, but once he knows you he will sit on your lap long after your legs have gone to sleep, and still have no intention of moving !! He is an adorable boy, and when last weighed was just under a stone in weight – he is not fat, just a very solid boy !! We think he is 5-6 years old so hopefully someone will see past his timid exterior and offer him a forever home. ‘Pebbles’ is 3 years old and has been with us now for several months. She had brought up a litter of kittens before coming into our care, but she is now spayed and she so wants the chance of a happy and settled future in a safe and loving home. She too isn’t the bravest of characters, but once she knows you she is very loving and likes to sit on your lap – all these cats need is patience and a little time to adjust because they DO have a lot to give to a new owner. We had a call back in March about 4 cats who had appeared in someone’s garden – presumably they had been abandoned possibly in the cemetery next to the property – who knows ! ‘Mittens’ had been spayed but had a hernia on the operation site so that had to be repaired. None of the others had been spayed/neutered so they had that all important trip to the Vet ! ‘Mittens’ broke out in sores shortly after coming into care – various tests were carried out, but nothing ghastly was diagnosed. She has now hopefully completed her treatment and all seems well so far thankfully. These dear little cats now need a loving home where they will be loved and well cared for. ‘Muffin’ is very wary of strangers and just initially so is ‘Truffles’ but as always given time they will make WONDERFUL pets. ‘Mittens’ and ‘Ruby’ fall at people’s feet especially ‘Ruby!’ If you would like to visit our website: all our cats looking for new homes are on our ‘Adopt A Cat’ page. ‘Lillie’ and ‘Willow’ were living outside as their owner had died and I presume the property was empty. They are lovely little characters although a little nervous of people they don’t know. We know little of their past as it was a neighbour who called us not a relative. They are being fostered by Lorraine and David at the moment, but I think they may be starting to worm their way into their hearts. Watch this space !! We have 4 cats and a kitten all originally from the same owner who does leave alot to be desired believe me. They ALL ended up in neighbouring gardens fending for themselves, so they called us to see if we could help. We spoke to the owner and she signed over all her remaining cats ….. or so we thought ?! We were called back this week as there was a mother and 3 kittens – and yes she was from the same household !! Two of the neighbours have kept one kitten each so we have taken ‘Ellie’ and her remaining baby. I shall at some stage go and speak to the ‘owner’ but I need to be more composed before I go !! Why oh why do they treat animals like this – I just hope she doesn’t go and get any more – but I think we will be told if she does !! Give me strength. Anyway all these furry people now need caring homes with people who REALLY care – ‘Bella’ and ‘Bon Jovi’ ( sorry about the name but it was IW Festival weekend when we heard of their plight !! ) are supposed to be 8 months old – ‘Tazz’ is just under a year – ‘Ellie’ is also about a year old and her baby is about 12 weeks. If you feel you can offer them a loving home and help make up for their very bad start in life please do give us a call. ‘Ebony’ had obviously been abandoned as she was forced to have her kittens in a place where she thought would be safe. No one knew anything about her in the area, and she hadn’t been reported missing to the Rescue Centres. One kitten was found when less than a week old – this is where we first came in. He had to be hand reared and is now an amazing little kitten, the people who took on this task have really done an amazing job, they really have. Kitten number two was found when about 6 weeks old and that one is doing well also, but by the time the remaining 4 kittens came to light they were very, very timid and more feral than domestic. ‘Ebony’ has obviously been a domestic pet as she is really loving so why and when did she loose her home, again we will probably never know – we just need to make sure that these dear little cats will never want for anything EVER again. The kittens are unlikely to be offered domestic homes so we may home them at a stable once they have been spayed/neutered – we won’t give up on them that’s for sure. I think ‘Ebony’ is really enjoying being looked after and at least now she doesn’t have to worry where the next meal is coming from. She wouldn’t have chosen to have her babies in the roof space of a shed, but what choice did she have – NONE ! No doubt her owner hasn’t given her a second thought. She has been spayed, microchipped and fully health checked so she is now ready to go to a new home with someone who REALLY cares. Our next task has to be to find somewhere for a little black cat in the West Wight area. She is so hungry she went into someone’s kitchen the other day and was eating tomatoes left out on their work surface!! One of the neighbours thinks she is pregnant - as if the poor little girl doesn’t have enough problems already !! We will update you in our next Newsletter about this dear little stray cat, but we do have every intention of finding somewhere for her within the next few days – in the meantime we have asked the neighbours to feed her and provide some sort of shelter for her, which I believe has been done. As you see we are being faced with ENDLESS reports of cats and kittens being heartlessly ABANDONED. All the Rescue Centres are struggling to take all those needing help – there are well over 200 cats and kittens at present in care on the Island, we have over 30 all of which are waiting patiently for loving, permanent homes. If you feel you have room in your heart and your home please do come along and meet all our furry friends who are desperately waiting to catch someone’s eye. Please visit our website: and go to our ‘Adopt A Cat’ page and you will see all our cats and kittens. I do try very hard to keep it updated – we also have various pages on the site which you may also find interesting – we hope so anyway !! Liz, Doug, Vanessa and Chris are as always working very hard to raise much needed funds for our many less fortunate felines. If you have any unwanted gifts, jewellery, childrens items, good quality clothes, DVD’s/CD’s, good quality bric-a-brac, Christmas Items, new soft toys, items suitable as raffle and tombola prizes we would love to hear from you. We can collect, so if possible could you call Liz and Doug on 298882. We also need cake bakers !! We have a Fayre usually mid July and one generally at the end of November where we have refreshments and cakes for sale – so if you feel you could help us in this way it would be much appreciated. If you would like to come along and do some ‘cat cuddling’ it would help us and our less fortunate feline friends. We do have cats who are quite timid, and as a result of this they often get passed by - but they do and will make lovely, loyal pets for someone if given the chance. They get used to me as I am with them all the time, but they really need to be socialised with other people as well. If you can spare just an hour once a week or maybe a couple of times a month it really would be much appreciated. Because the demands on us are increasing dramatically we desperately need to raise more funds. Our main expenditure goes on Vet Fees – Cat Food and Cat litter. We are a ‘no frills’ Charity – EVERY penny donated goes directly on providing for the cats and kittens in our care. We now have a monthly donation scheme which can be set up with a standing order at your Bank – this is an amazing way of helping as it gives us a regular income. If you would like to know more about this please do give me a call on 521778 or email: [email protected] you will be directly helping us to provide for a cat in our care on an ongoing basis. We will be back soon with more ‘tails’ to tell …………………………………….
Posted on: Sun, 28 Jul 2013 22:33:43 +0000

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