Newsletter SUNDAY 30th NOVEMBER 2014: FIRST SUNDAY OF - TopicsExpress


Newsletter SUNDAY 30th NOVEMBER 2014: FIRST SUNDAY OF ADVENT New Ordos and Year Books For the First Sunday of Advent, the new Diocesan Ordos and Year Books are available today, priced £4 each. On the News-stand at back of church. Christmas Volunteers Rota We need our usual group of willing volunteers for all the ministries over the Christmas period. Rota at the back of church from today - please sign up if you are able to help in any capacity. The Big Sing: Christmas Music Night A night of folk flavoured music, songs and carols. Free for everyone, members, guests, singers and musicians. Join the session musicians and friends in seasonal celebrationat the St Werburghs Parish Centre26 Brook Street, Chester, CH1 3DZ From 8.30 pm till late. Friday 19th December 2014 for further details contact John Kenyon at the Centre, telephone 01244 321 218. St Werburghs & St Columbas Primary School Open Morning for Reception 2015 Saturday 6th December, 10.00 - 11.30 am. Prayer Vigil for Religious Freedom Aid to the Church in Need (ACN) and the Parish of St Clare, Chester are holding a Prayer Vigil for Religious Freedom at St Clares on Saturday 6th December. Mass at 6.00 pm, followed by an hour-long vigil from 7.00-8.00 pm. There will be silent prayer before the Blessed Sacrament from 8:00-11:00 pm. Neville Kyrke-Smith, the National Director of Aid to the Church in Need UK, will be the guest speaker. Agnes Hutchinson Donation Extremely kind donation in the week of £500 from the family of Agnes Hutchinson, who was Promoted to Glory recently at the wonderful age of just short of 102! I have no hesitation in putting it towards our fund for replacing the Great War Memorial in the church, Agnes father (Tom) being one of the names included. She was six when he died in 1918, and we blessed his grave up at Overleigh last Sunday afternoon. Total in the fund to date: £700.00! St Werburghs Great War Exhibition Finishing today, Sunday 30th November. Hoole Community Centre Hoole Community Centre have been shortlisted for the Peoples Millions and are looking for your support in their bid to help single people of all ages with a community café, tuition, IT support, etc. They will be on Granada Reports and asking you to vote by phone on Tuesday 25th November. More information at CONGRATULATIONS - THEY WON!!! £50,000!!!! The Lion, the Witch & the Wardrobe Exhibition at Chester Cathedral 29th November - 6th January 2015. This free exhibition will take visitors to the magical land of Narnia, transforming spaces within the magnificent building to bring C.S. Lewiss classic tale to life. Please see poster on Notice board. St Annes Christmas Tree Switch On On Wednesday December 10th we have the Christmas Tree Switch On at St Annes Park at 5.00 pm The Parish Centre is heavily involved in this. Anyone able to lead a few carols? Any support the Parish can offer will be greatly appreciated. Christmas Flowers Collection Today Second collection TODAY for our beautiful Christmas flowers and Tree today. Date for all willing hands to help decorate the church: Thursday 11th December, please! Bishop Marks Pastoral Letter for Advent Please take a copy with you today. Or read online. Parish Christmas Outing: Tuesday 16th December all tickets gone!! May we have the last few payments asap, please? Army Carol Service - December 3rd : Cancelled Very regrettably, the Army have cancelled this coming Wednesdays Carol Service. My sincere thanks to all of you who worked so hard to prepare for this event. Sunday 30th November: This Afternoon As part of our Great War Group events there will be a Talk in the Church at 3.00 pm on Sunday, 30th November. The title is Chester 1914 and The Life of St. Werburghs Parish. Photo of the Week: The Cathedral Canons Another dip into the Archives today, a meeting of the Cathedral Chapter here at St Werburghs with Bishop Moriarty, some time in the 1930s or 40s? Rome Reunion - Monday December 1st @ 7.00 Starting in Day Chapel. See you all there! Advent Day by Day and December Sacred Heart Messenger Both on the News-stand today, price £1 each. CATHSOC News and Update Over to Liverpool tonight after Mass for a stroll around the city and a Chinese Buffet Supper! Christmas Mass Times Card Available next week for distribution far and wide. Carol Singing - Crawfords Walk Nursing Home Wednesday 10th December at 10.30 am. All welcome to come along and boost the singing!
Posted on: Sun, 30 Nov 2014 09:09:01 +0000

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