Newspaper review and bursting bubbles of corporate - TopicsExpress


Newspaper review and bursting bubbles of corporate propaganda. All the newspaper in the UK have the same headlines. Daily Express. RUSSIAN forces were blamed last night for firing the missile that shot down a passenger jet, killing 298 ­people, including 10 Britons. Daily mail. Ukraine has launched an extraordinary attack on Vladimir Putin by publishing a horrific picture of a dead baby and accusing the Russian president of having the blood of the infant victim of flight MH17 on his hands. Senior government advisor Anton Gerashchenko yesterday stepped up the rhetorical attack on the Kremlin by posting the picture with a message to Mr Putin saying: This babys death is on your conscience, before adding Damn you for centuries! Daily Telegraph. MH17: British families say Russian gangsters killed our loved ones The Sun. Putin did it First lets look at the Sun headline, Putin did it. Then the story goes on to say that Putin did it by providing missiles to the rebels. This is the first logical fallacy. This is like saying that the UK and US Governments killed the four kids on the beach in Gaza, after all, those Governments arm Israel. Boeing killed everyone on 9/11, after all, it was they who supplied the terrorists with the planes. The daily mail headlines are in a similar vein, Putin is at fault. A dead baby, tragic as ever, is used as to somehow show the world how evil Putin is. Dead babies are common in Eastern Ukraine, blown apart by the so called Government elect. They are none to quick to show the world those pictures. This is a deflection technique. Look at those Russians while committing worse acts themselves. Daily Express, Russia is being blamed. Well yes, i imagine they are but blame is not guilt, blame is not evidence. Within all the papers are the same themes, one of which is that outstanding piece of investigative journalism, the Youtube video they all point to of a conversation between two people talking about the aftermath of the plane crash. It is purported that it is between a rebel leader and a Russian intel operative. This is provided by one source alone, the Ukrainian secret service. Not the USA or UK or European countries, all listening in right now but the Ukrainian SS, supported by the CIA, who are active within the country. The rebel leader named in the video does not actually use the call sign attributed to him and the Russian intel operative is still unknown. So all the press use a video as truth while it is totally unconfirmed, cannot be verified and only exists on youtube. The press also talk of a BUX luancher seen leaving the scene and heading into Russia. Again, the only evidence is that provided by the Ukrainian SS. The fact that we have seen Border attacks by the Ukrainians in recent weeks, one of which involved tanks crossing the border is not to be mentioned in the papers. They blame putin as it is he who provided the BUK missiles. Well yes but he supplied the entire Ukrainian armed forces with their equipment when they were on speaking terms. Is it putins fualt that a Somali pirate kills someone with an A47 Kalashnikov? If so then its Obamas fault that someone is killed with an M16 assault rifle. More logical fallacies im afraid. Now i could go on and on but lets look at what ISNT in the papers. The fact that the plane was asked to deviate of course by Ukrainian air traffic control and that it was asked to lower its altitude. Why? Why have none of the so called superpowers released ANY satellite images or intercepted calls? Right now, Ukraine is under total surveillance yet not one image, not one has been provided. Are they trying to say that they didnt have any satellites over head or listening stations active. Edward Snowdon and Bradley Manning will tell you this is not the case. Why has a rebel leader claimed the following. The rebel commander blamed for shooting down flight MH17 has made bizarre claims that bodies at the crash site arent fresh. Pro-Russian separatist Igor Girkin has claimed corpses near the debris died days before the plane took off. According to rebel website Russkaya Vesna, the leader was told by people at the scene in eastern Ukraine that a significant number of the bodies were drained of blood and reeked of decomposition. Any evidence that the rebels have BUK missiles and they are from Russia directly, not one single source other than, yes you guessed it, Ukrainian SS. The press have claimed that the Russians are in possession of the black box flight recorder. They also claim that the rebels are stopping inspectors from investigating the crash site. Yet they also say that the inspectors are already on the ground and after initial confrontations with rebels are now at the crash site. That the black boxes have been located. More confusion from the British press. They sensationalise with a headline then as the story unfolds they correct themselves and then you reach the end of the article and its a shadow of its former headline. Rebels state that no commercial aircraft should even be in the area as all air traffic control beacons and radar stations in the East have been destroyed during recent fighting, so why was the plane there in the first place? And finally, the use of the words rebels or terrorists. They are neither, they are protestors. They do not recognise the illegal government of Kiev and are forced to comply at the point of a gun. Imagine if the BNP violently seized the country and told you to comply with their authority. Would you? rt/news/173964-ukraine-malaysia-intercepted-calls/ slavyangrad.wordpress/2014/07/18/breaking-part-ii-evidence-continues-to-emerge-mh17-is-a-false-flag-operation/ vox/2014/7/17/5913089/did-this-ukrainian-rebel-commander-take-credit-for-shooting-down-the/in/5677250
Posted on: Sat, 19 Jul 2014 08:37:28 +0000

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