Next Monday, September 29, will be the two year mark of the - TopicsExpress


Next Monday, September 29, will be the two year mark of the passing of Amanda from this temporary life to her eternal home. As I have thought about this week, I have thought how very much I would like to share some of her heart with you, so that you could catch a glimpse of the beautiful gift God gave this world in the person of my daughter. The following letter, written when she was a junior in college to someone very dear to her who would be entering AU in the fall, gives just such a glimpse. Other than omitting names, I have directly copied that letter here. “_________, I have told you before and I will have to tell you again. Your experience here is very literally all about choices. It will be everything you want it to be. I know it is hard to really think of yourself as having “gone away to college: sine you are in the same town, but the choice is all yours. Coming from one who has been there and done that, GET INVOLVED. The first month of your time at AC will be absolutely crucial to setting the tone for your entire year. You must choose to come out of the room, meet lots of strangers, do things you would never normally do…and you will be glad that you did. Go to everything. Eat in the caf. Introduce yourself to people and ask questions about them…everyone likes that…Making college “the greatest time of your life” does not just happen, contrary to popular opinion. It does take an effort on your part to make it so. Also, I would just like to echo some of what ______ _______said. I really believe that, despite what it seems like at times, that this will be the time of our lives in which we have the most “free” time to devote to pursuing God, and especially pursuing Him whole-heartedly. Be sure to give Him the “firstfruits” of everything, but especially of your time. Not that I am an expert, because I still don’t do this faithfully, but if you make it a habit early on, it will be easier in the long run. Keep in mind on those days when you are “all alone in the middle of a crowd” that He alone can satisfy, and even more that He longs to be the one that you trust and adore. “Such knowledge is too wonderful for me…” College is a wonderful time to learn of Him, to learn what it means to worship Him and to know Him. “Taste and see…” I hope that your years at Anderson College will be some of the best years of your life. That the friendships that you make will be eternal, that the roots of your faith will be deepened and strengthened, that the lessons you learn will last and impress themselves on you fully. I hope that you will come to me if ever you need anything…advice, a couple of dollars, borrow a book, whatever. I will try to stay out of your way and let you grow on your own and do your own thing while you are here but I will still be watching and looking out for you. I love you and I am praying for you. Congratulations and Good Luck! Love, Amanda “ She ended the letter quoting Jude 24-25. I love you Amanda and miss you deeper than there are words to describe.
Posted on: Wed, 24 Sep 2014 02:13:04 +0000

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