::::::::::::::::::Next NPFL season and the reason to be - TopicsExpress


::::::::::::::::::Next NPFL season and the reason to be excited:::::::::::::: We have heard that by next season, beside club lincencing regime, that clubs must submit their business model as a criteria for registration. This whole idea to me, is a welcome development. The missing link or the weekest link of our football development all along has been the football clubs. The grassroots is working, but the epic-center where this raw talent will be developed, managed and showcased is seriously sick, and in need of serious surgical operation. As a stakeholder and a resercher, i did arrive at a conclusion that many of these clubs are finding it hard to wake up to the reality that football is business, instead, they are so caught up in the so called legality and legitimacy fight. I do believe the whole idea to push the clubs into the reality is good, and it must be supported by all most especially thedie-hard league followers. However, if the business model policy is strictly adhere to, then, every average football spectator, every league journalist (that cover league matches week-in-week-out), league researchers/resoursing persons, public relation practitioners and ICT guys will be the first set that will enjoy in the value-chain. In projection, the basic business model, will implies that each clubs will raise or have some specified number of spectatorship/fan-base, whether by begging or any inducement of some sort. However, smart clubs can begin to provide free transportation to their matchday events, and also, incentives like raffle-draw et al. Apart from providing conducive, neat, secured enviroment and above all good football display. Smart clubs, will sure engage the services of the afore-mentioned guys whether as a staff or consultants in helping them to achieve their aim. -- Researchers will help to pin point the type of spectators that are ready to buy/watch their football content/display, the spectators time of availability (which might surely determined their matchday event timing) among other things. --The ICT guys that will be engaged will be in charge of clubs information(text, video, audio) management, while the PR in conjuction with the field Journalist will help in continually putting the smart club in the news. Among other things, smart club will improve the quality of its football by going scientific. Using science and technology approach in players development, management, tactical and technical approach to matches. Smart clubs, should be keying into this present realities and ready to make impact. Smart clubs should begin to live above the present chalenges of security, bad officiating and begin to look for solutions to them. Business enviroment is never fair and even life itself is not fair, good result will only come for those who put extra into their ordinary. Conclusively, i will use this medium to implore every die-hard football followers to embrace the present realities on league management, and refused to be either directly or indirectly used by some unscrupulus, myopic and corrupt elements who can not see beyond their nose and are hell bend in resisting this developement by all possible means. Instead, we should be encouraging and pushing the clubs into the path of greatness. @IamFOJ
Posted on: Sat, 04 Oct 2014 10:01:10 +0000

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