Next major change... I’ll be making deliveries to Cookeville & - TopicsExpress


Next major change... I’ll be making deliveries to Cookeville & Chattanooga, TN on Monday, then picking up stuff in Murfreesboro, TN on Tuesday morning. I still have room for 12-14’ (6+ pallets) and at least 6,000lbs. heading back towards Minneapolis in the 26’ Ryder rental truck (310”L x 97”W x 98”H) that I have been using the past couple months. May I help you with anything heading back? I will hopefully be returning the rental next week and going to Omaha to pickup my new truck. I’ll share more about it as soon as we know everything is ready to go. This is the beginning of the 2nd “major change” that I mentioned a couple months ago. Thanks for helping me stay busy! Dominic Young - Sales / Driver JAG Express, inc. (MC: 870659) a mtbinc company Office: 800-228-2762/402-331-9567 Direct: 612-281-4176 (call or text 24/7) Linkedin/in/DominicYoung70 or: Facebook/DominicYoung70 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- PLEASE ENJOY: From my friend, Frank: WHAT WILL IT REALLY COST TO LET AN ILEGAL HISPANIC CHILD INTO THE US? BTW, heres the daisy chain or falling dominoes Obama will unleash by letting these first 57,000 (OR IS IT 52,000) in to disappear into America while waiting for their deportation hearings FOUR YEARS FROM NOW? 1. So a child is reunited with a single parent now in the US. They will instantly be on welfare whether, that parent is here legally or not. 2. The next step is to argue that all the other siblings, &/or the missing parent in wherever be allowed in as well to make the family whole. Its an immigration policy called family reunification. Then they all will be on welfare for decades (2?). Not speaking English, they will add to the collapse of our school systems. 3. Finally, the cry will go up to bring in both sets of grandparents. [Family reunification again]All four of them; aged, infirm, ill will not qualify for social security (no earnings in the US), But they will go on welfare anyway, including Section #8 housing, food stamps, food shelves, AND totally free medical care from the county (which is funded by the Feds.) So each aged grandparent will consume between $150K and $500K of medical costs before they die here in the USA. Plus another $500,000 in non-medical welfare living expenses.Thats a whopping $2.5 MILLION for which they paid not one penny. All that is before the $800K the parents and kids on county welfare will cost us. That $2.5 Million (0r $3.3 Million) has to come from somewhere (as in taxpayers. OR it will come by decreasing services to our aging Americans (retiring baby boomers), Veterans, Obama will probably do both, raising payroll and income taxes to take another 10% of gross earnings away from those who now work (those 90 million) in the labor force. Minus that 10%, consumer spending will plummet and anew recession will be born. Then he will reduce services to all people in America. Lastly he will increase the national debt, wasting most of the borrowing on corrupt programs. Then Obama will just smirk, leave office and turn it all over to Hillary Clinton . She will invoke socialism by force. Thats what will happen if we let these beautiful little children in now. Its called the tip of the iceberg or the camels nose in the tent. We have to seal our borders by force of arms if necessary (it already is necessary) and the liberals wont do it - PERIOD. We have to take care of our own citizens first and we arent doing it. We havent got the money to care for all the worlds poor, or even 150 people from Central and South America. If we pretend we can do it, once the liberal ball begins to roll, we will not be able to stop it. Nice, God-fearing people in Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Australia, and Britain are finding that out now. Boatloads of illegals from Africa and the Middle East are illegally flooding into those countries to get access to their welfare systems. Why Americans fail to see it is the same thing with children at the borders is question I cannot understand. Perhaps if our lying politicians posed the following honest question to voters: Do you want to let these children and all their relatives into the country? If you vote yes you must either give the government a check now for 10% of your gross income (and do so for the next 20 years), or sign this agreement letting us debit your bank account each month for that 10% of your earnings. If you fail to pay us, you will be deported to a third world country and lose your Social Security and all other government benefits. How about it? What do you want to do? ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Being An Overcomer TGIF Today God Is First by Os Hillman I have told you these things, so that in Me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world. John 16:33 Why does it seem that those involved in Christian enterprise find the way so hard? It seems as though it is harder for those who are committed Christians in business. Have you found this to be true? This was the comment from a business associate recently. My answer was a definite yes. In fact, if you were not a Christian and sought to do a similar business without regard to maintaining a biblical philosophy, the way would be much smoother sailing. It makes us think of the prophet who asked, Why do the wicked prosper? (see Jer. 12:1) It is a spiritual principle of which we speak. When the Israelites crossed the Jordan before they entered the Promised Land, they fought only two battles. Then after they entered the Promised Land, they fought 39 battles. The way of the cross is not paved with lilies; it is paved with grace. When we seek to honor God in our business life, we will be met with opposition from the spiritual forces of this world. This is why each of us must commit ourselves to walking in the power of the Holy Spirit and to be as gentle as doves but as wise as serpents. Do not be surprised when you find the way harder as a believer than when you were a non-believer. You now have more at stake among the spiritual forces that desire you to be defeated and ineffective. Stand firm against the evil forces that desire to keep you from walking in freedom in the Promised Land. Jesus is your victory for every battle you will encounter. Call on His name. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- JUSTICE COMES FROM THE LORD You have likely heard about the 79-year old Albuquerque woman (Stella Liebeck) who bought a cup of coffee from a McDonald’s drive-through in 1992. When the coffee spilled in her lap, she sued McDonald’s for negligence because she claimed the coffee was too hot to be safe. The jury awarded Liebeck $160,000 in compensatory damages and $2.7 million in punitive damages (later reduced to $600,000)! Here are some other court cases you may not have heard of: An Israeli woman sued a TV station for making an inaccurate prediction. The station predicted good weather but it rained. The woman claimed that the forecast caused her to dress lightly – resulting in her catching the flu, missing a week of work, and spending money on medication. She further claimed that the whole incident caused her stress. She sued for $1,000 – and won. For a while in the 1990s, Anheuser-Busch, the producers of Budweiser, ran a series of ads in which two beautiful women come to life in front of two truck drivers. A Michigan man bought a case of the beer, drank it, and failed to see two women materialize. He sued the company for false advertising, asking for a sum in excess of $10,000. Thankfully the court dismissed the suit. Christopher Roller, a resident of Minnesota, sued David Blaine and David Copperfield – demanding that they reveal their secret magic tricks to him. He demanded 10% of their total income for life. The reason for the suit is that Roller believes that the magicians are defying the laws of physics, and thereby using godly powers. But it gets worse. Roller sued because he thinks he is God and therefore it is his powers they are stealing. We have seen so many abuses of our legal system over the years that we are tempted to take on the cynical attitude of Solomon when he wrote, If you see the oppression of the poor, and the violent perversion of justice and righteousness in a province, do not marvel at the matter.... (Ecclesiastes 5:8). The truth is, though, that justice usually does prevail in our courtrooms. Unfortunately, those cases are seldom regarded as being newsworthy. But even when we hear of injustices, we need to remember that all accounts are not settled in this lifetime. In a world that often seems to be very much out of control, we need to constantly be reminded that our God is in control, and justice will one day prevail. Many seek the rulers favor, but justice for man comes from the LORD. (Prov. 29:26) Christ Was Love And, I believe, He still is. Amazed in His presence... Humbled by His love.......Suni..< ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dominic Young - Sales / Driver JAG Express, inc. (MC: 870659) a mtbinc company Office: 800-228-2762/402-331-9567 Direct: 612-281-4176 (call or text 24/7) Linkedin/in/DominicYoung70 or: Facebook/DominicYoung70 Dont get tired of helping others. You will be rewarded when the time is right, if you dont give up. Galatians 6:9 (CEV) or a Zig put it a couple thousand years later: You can get everything in life you want if you simply help enough others get what they want. Zig Ziglar
Posted on: Sat, 26 Jul 2014 23:31:50 +0000

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