Next month, I will be 63. Surely those numbers are supposed to be - TopicsExpress


Next month, I will be 63. Surely those numbers are supposed to be switched. (She said, completely in shock and denial – and processing the stages of grief over her ongoing aging). So, I was talking to my 60 year old friend the other day, and she said, “I’m ok with aging, until I look in the mirror. “ I said, “The mirror is fine for me, because I have body dimorphic disorder – in that I look in the mirror and no matter what it reflects – I think I look 35. It’s photo’s I have the problem with.” Somehow whenever a photo is taken of me lately, it isn’t me – in the photo – but a woman I’ve never seen before – and she is standing in a place that should be me. She is a thick in the middle, has a couple of rolls hanging over her waist and has bingo wings (those while pieces of flesh under her arms that wobble when she raises her hands to say “Bingo” or Hallelujah in Church) and worse - this woman looks - well, there is no other word for it – OLD. Then I get frightened, because, SHOOT – WHAT IF THAT WOMAN IS ME? So, I was thinking the other day, there is a joy in getting older with a growing faith – because as we grow older in our faith – we grow more childlike in our faith – and there is a renewed joy each day of growing in Character. So, I was thinking we need to have a camera that captures an image of our inside soul and character – of the increasing joy etc. And then I realized – there is. We see it reflected in the interaction with our friends, we see it in the love we show to others. It’s the image that God keeps for all eternity – what is inside – eternal – not this silly body that is wasting away.
Posted on: Sat, 26 Jul 2014 17:24:45 +0000

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