Next years congressional election battle is ramping up right - TopicsExpress


Next years congressional election battle is ramping up right now. Just last week, Michelle Obama held a lavish fundraiser for a group of rich, anti-gun donors in New York City. She asked them all to write a big old fat check to help elect Senators who will pass Barack Obamas extreme gun control agenda. Sadly, as you know, that bill failed, Michelle told the crowd, in reference to Obamas backdoor gun registration scheme. It failed by just six votes in the Senate. Six. So make no mistake about it: the midterm elections, they matter. They matter. Shes right about one thing: Next years congressional elections matter BIG TIME. In fact, next years elections will decide whether you and I get to keep our freedom, or if we will lose the Second Amendment as we know it...PERIOD. We cant let Barack and Michelle Obama win. We cant sit by and watch them raise money hand-over-fist to elect anti-gun Senators who will vote our constitutional freedom out of existence. We have to fight back today, tomorrow, and every day in this winner-take-all election battle. Help me show our pro-gun allies in the Senate that you and I have their backs in next years elections...and that we wont let them fight this battle against the Obamas alone. Help me and NRA-ILA win the most important election battle in the history of our freedom by making a contribution in whatever amount you can afford today. If we can defeat Barack and Michelle Obamas anti-gun candidates in next years elections...then we can defeat their gun ban agenda and SAVE OUR FREEDOM.
Posted on: Tue, 03 Dec 2013 17:38:58 +0000

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