Ngige APC vs Chief Willie Obiano APGA is 7UP. The difference is - TopicsExpress


Ngige APC vs Chief Willie Obiano APGA is 7UP. The difference is clear. This speech will not be complete if I do not give honor to whom honor is due. In this regard I will like to publicly acknowledge the untiring effort of my old and very dear friend, Chief Chris Uba, Eselu Uga, Ochiagha Awka, Onwa Aguata in making today a reality. Eselu, I want to reassure you that you have set the pace for other indigenes of Anambra State to emulate. You have written your name in Gold. I want to reassure you that you will have no cause to regret your good works, and that we will join hands to wipe the tears of the people of Anambra State, because in you we have a moving and motivating force.” ~Gov Chris Ngige (In his Inaugural Speech on 29th May, 2003) ================================================= “Ndi Anambra, I wish to assure you that you made a wise choice when you voted me and Dr. Nkem Okeke as your governor and deputy governor. Not only that, in voting for our great party, the All Progressive Grand Alliance, APGA, you once again listened to the wise advice of the great American Civil Rights leader, Dr Martin Luther King Jnr, that; ‘We must learn to live together as brothers or perish together as fools.’ ~Gov. Willie Obiano (In his Inauguration Speech on 17th March, 2013)
Posted on: Sun, 23 Mar 2014 20:38:53 +0000

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