Nice job Al! Leave it to a funnyman to try and put an end to - TopicsExpress


Nice job Al! Leave it to a funnyman to try and put an end to corporate funny business!! He forgot to include two other major hot spots for hiding money - the Jersey Isle off of France and Luxembourg. While the bluedog dummycrats and conservative republickans cry big crocodile tears over people scamming the govt out of hundreds of dollars in food stamps/welfare, they ignore their corporate benefactors ripping us off of billions in tax fraud, but say nothing about that! Its because the corporate pigs fund their campaigns and give them big fat jobs when they retire or get defeated. Case in point: Rep. Eric Cantor, well known for squeezing the little guy in favor of his falsely-named job creators was recently defeated in his primary and resigned early to accept a job as a bank executive. I guess its their way of saying thanks for not prosecuting us for their huge role in causing the financial meltdown/recession that began seven years ago. Meanwhile corporate media toilets like cnn, msnbc and fox bellyache endlessly about the little guy who has very little to begin with, cheating to get a few more bucks, they ignore their corporate advertisers and/or owners crimes against the country. In the case of msnbc, they are OWNED by one of the biggest cheats (GE). So the next time a viral email arrives in your email boxes whining about welfare cheats bankrupting the country, remind yourselves of who is really cheating us the most and does the most damage to our economy - its the same corporate pigs who create and distribute the pro-corporate propaganda in those viral emails blasting the little guy. Send those stupid emails back where they came from and educate the sender!! They are being intentionally misled by the corporate-owned media. This is what teaparty politics truly represent - smaller govt means less oversight and intrusion on how the big boys do business, not less govt intrusion in our lives. If the latter was the case the police wouldnt be armed like a third-world goon squad getting away with murdering or maiming citizens on a daily basis, we wouldnt be the country with the highest rate of incarceration in the world, the NSA would never have the spying apparatus in place that they do and journalists and whistleblowers who expose corruption wouldnt be in hiding or in prison (Assange, Manning or the guy in Yemen who revealed the cover-up of a US drone strikes responsible for murdering an entire wedding party including the kids present) or dead from a mysterious accident no one wants to cover out of fear (Michael Hastings). Instead the prisons would be filled with bankers, war profiteers, nearly the entire Bush and Obomber administrations and almost all of Congress and the Supreme Court for starters. And we would have plenty of money for health care for all, jobs programs to put people to work and affordable education. ~My Dad --------------------------------------------------------------------- Bermuda. Ireland. The Cayman Islands. All lovely vacation spots, I’ve heard. Also desirable destinations for American corporations looking to avoid paying taxes. A growing number of U.S. corporations are taking advantage of tax loopholes to cheat the system. A major one is whats called “inversion” -- and it’s a process in which corporations based in the United States reincorporate overseas in order to avoid paying U.S. taxes. Corporations that have formed and thrived here in the United States should not be allowed to move offshore simply to avoid their tax bill. If you agree, demand that Congress take action to close the tax loophole that allows inversions to happen. Add your name to mine. Inversions often mean that corporations can shelter profits abroad, costing Americans jobs and taxpayers billions of dollars. I’m doing all I can to close this loophole and ensure that corporations pay their fair share. I hope you’ll join me in urging Congress to act. Thanks. Al Paid for and authorized by Al Franken for Senate 2014 P.O. Box 583144 | Minneapolis, MN 55458- alfranken/subscriptions
Posted on: Thu, 11 Sep 2014 06:23:25 +0000

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