Nick Boles MP- WEIGHTING TO BE GIVEN TO NEIGHBOURHOOD PLANS Extract from parliamentary debate on Localism on 17th July... as reported in Hansard.. "However, I can tell him that in a matter of days, we will introduce the planning guidance that we have long promised and that will address the issue of the weight given to emerging plans. We will make it clear that once a plan has reached the point that, first, it has become specific and, secondly, it has gone through a fairly substantial level of public consultation, it will become something of real materiality—to use the lawyers’ phrase—as a consideration in decision making." "The guidance that will be produced at the end of July will be in draft. It will all go on what is an explicitly beta website. In truth, what applies now is the inherited guidance on prematurity from the last Government—it still applies in all decisions made in courts and elsewhere by decision makers—but the new guidance will be in draft form later in the summer and will be available for everybody to comment on. I absolutely encourage my right hon. and hon. Friends to comment if they do not believe that the guidance goes far enough in attaching weight to the emerging plans." (Thanks to Neil who posted about this debate on linkedin).
Posted on: Fri, 19 Jul 2013 13:18:01 +0000

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