Nick Pineault wrote; Gen and I are looking for a new place, and - TopicsExpress


Nick Pineault wrote; Gen and I are looking for a new place, and a brand new kitchen... the dream! Anyway, things have been hectic for us in the last days, so Ive asked my buddy Shaun Hadsall to take over and talk about a very important thing your mom used to tell you all the time... ...Eat your greens. In reality, what she should have told you to eat your greens WITH the ingredient Shaun talks about below... =================================== Always combine greens with this ingredient By Shaun Hadsall Stubborn Fat Expert I’m not a huge fan of eating greens. Never have been. But that doesn’t mean I don’t recognize the undeniable fat- burning and health benefits of eating lots and lots of greens. Ironically, even though I’m not a fan of most greens, it seems like the more I eat them -- the more and more I crave them. And if you have any interest in losing-weight, having more energy, preventing diseases or even becoming “smarter”… …Then you NEED your greens. Some great unconventional super greens you can use to reduce inflammation outside of the normal broccoli, spinach, and green beans are: Kale, Swiss Chard, Arugula, Collard Greens, Bok Choy, and Water Cress. These are all great choices. But there’s ONE particular macronutrient you should never eat greens without. FAT. These fat fighting greens naturally contain many super nutrients like DIM, which is an oil soluble compound, so it’s always best to consume your greens veggies with other healthy oils and fats. This will greatly enhance absorption to help your body use more of these powerful nutrients. Some healthy fats to use are olive oil, grass fed butter, coconut oil (adds sweetness), and minimally processed sesame oil. This isn’t one of those tips that’s going make or break your plan, but sometimes it’s all the little “tweaks” like that add up to make a big difference. For example, Meet Mister B. He’s a 65-year-old man that can pull off 76 pull-ups in less than a minute. And he’s at the peak of health... - Hes disease-free and never gets sick—not even a cold or the flu. - He has normal blood pressure, cholesterol and blood sugar levels. - He has a laser-sharp memory. - He looks decades younger than his chronological age. (A 2012 biological age test revealed he has the body of a 31-year-old) - He has an inexhaustible supply of energy and youthful stamina. Now before you write off Mister Bs amazing health and vitality as a freak of nature, theres something you need to know... ...In his mid-40s, Mister B was just like everyone else. He was facing the health challenges and aging problems that plague most middle-aged people—like hair loss, weight gain, wrinkles, muscle loss, prostate problems, and more. But he wouldnt take it lying down. ==> Here’s the amazing discovery he found that turned it all around. meganutritionorganicsuperfood/new/ Back tomorrow, with Super Greens Secrets Part 2… Stay tuned. Your friend and coach, Shaun
Posted on: Mon, 10 Mar 2014 05:37:31 +0000

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