Nick must stay! The inevitable letter to the papers calling for - TopicsExpress


Nick must stay! The inevitable letter to the papers calling for Nick to go was bound to happen. It always does when things get tough – and they don’t get tougher than the elections we have just been through. But that is why Nick must stay. He is brave and capable – and taking us into government has achieved remarkable progress. I won’t rehearse all our achievements here – but even if you just take turning round the economy – which would not have happened without the Liberal Democrats – for that alone he should be applauded. Putting the country’s interests before party interests is the right thing to do. Nick has taken so much flak from the moment he became Deputy Prime Minister – and borne it bravely. He is always focused and has a phenomenal strategic understanding. And right now when people are saying that he shouldn’t have given Farage exposure in the debate – I say well done Nick. Standing up for what you believe in is something the cowardly leader of the Labour party is incapable of and something we need politicians from all parties to do more of. Staying silent simply lets evil prosper. Thank goodness there are still more progressive MEPs elected in Europe from other countries to hopefully hold it safe. I find UKIP and the rise of the right a terrifying prospect. Sending a message to government is one thing – but sending MEPs to Europe who want its destruction is quite another. However – the country has spoken and we will see what happens next.
Posted on: Mon, 26 May 2014 08:33:05 +0000

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