Nicola C-J, yes! You as so very right! My boxing comes in handy - TopicsExpress


Nicola C-J, yes! You as so very right! My boxing comes in handy sometimes. In 2011 I went on a long cruise. One day I was on a bus with other passengers to go see some sights when the man behind me, who was about 6 feet five or six, started banging his knuckles on the back of my seat. It was extremely annoying so I turned around and asked him to please stop. He yelled, “What?! What did she say?” His wife told him I’d asked him to stop hitting my seat. Again yelling, he said, “Yeah? Well I’ll show her some hitting!” He slammed my seat so hard I flew forward, with my head almost striking the seat in front of me. As soon as I went back into place, he hit my seat a second time but much harder. My head grazed the seat in front. If I were taller than my 5 feet, I would have hit it very hard. I stood up and turned toward him. I didn’t think about it but my hands automatically went into fists and my chin ducked down into the boxing form. By that time the busload was silent and watching. I glared at him and said, “Stop it.” I know that if he had said anything I would have hit him. I think he knew it too because like the bully he was, he said nothing. When I got back to the ship I wrote a report on the incident and gave it to the managing office. I was told that the man had done similar things to several women. There had been verbal complaints but because he was so tall and so threatening, no one had dared write anything down. My letter was sent to the home office and the man was told that if he did anything more, he would be airlifted off the ship. They had no more complaints about him. That was one time when my boxing was quite useful — and for a while I was a bit of a hero on the ship and was teased a lot. Jude
Posted on: Fri, 02 May 2014 16:22:22 +0000

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