Niels Storm Robitzky: I am referring to the article - TopicsExpress


Niels Storm Robitzky: I am referring to the article conference@the week in the latest issue of the magazine. I already left a response under the article, but for some reason it is not visible to others. ....................Dear Streetdance Magazine, first of all I love your magazine and I am always very intrigued by reading it with all the issues being discussed. I was present at the meeting and would like to turn things a bit different. One thing we all need to understand first of all. Our culture was born through dialogue. The entire talk that day was based on dialogue. Now within dialogue we are not looking for a coherent opinion, but look for the respect of each persons opinion participating. By not writing everbodies opinion and coming up with a conclusion that reflects a compromise is not doing justice to those who were there and think different. Like I said, you guys do a great job, but also have great responsability, by providing a reality to your readers. The article is a compromise of what the author has concluded out of the discussion, that´s why it should be written in his thought and signed by him. What was disccussed doesn´t really fit on three sheets of paper and like stated, it was partially pretty heated. In most of the text I also identify myself, but would have written it different. Maybe it´s also a matter of translation, since I am not able to comprehend Italian. One thing is said, that I cannot leave standing like that, because it causes ressentiment. Towards the end, when it is about TV shows and that people should be supported rather than criticized. A lot of us have worked their entire life for the right cultural respect of our culture in the public eye. If one does TV shows and loses all dignity by succombing to an industry that just wants to exploit that person and our culture for monetary reasons, I look at it just like prostitution. But if I see that it´s ethically and culturally in balance, I can totally dig it. Sometimes I guess it is just a little twist in the text and it comes out different. Please keep up the good work, Storm
Posted on: Sat, 09 Nov 2013 13:25:07 +0000

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