Nietzsche, Friedrich (1844-1900) German philosopher (born in - TopicsExpress


Nietzsche, Friedrich (1844-1900) German philosopher (born in Prussia). Nietzsche is one of the most original thinkers of the XIX century and one of the most influential contemporary thought, especially in Germany and France. He studied at the Universities of Bonn and Leipzig, becoming 1868 cm professor of Greek philology at the University of Basel (Switzerland). In 1879. feeling sick, abandoned academic life. undertaking a series of trips to Switzerland, Italy and southern France. In 1889 he suffered a crisis of madness which has not recovered to death. Nietzsche began his work by reflecting on Greek culture and its influence on the development of Western thought. Identified around two key elements: the spirit * Apollonian, representing the order, harmony and reason; and the Dionysian spirit, representing the feeling, action, emotion, in our cultural tradition the Apollonian spirit would have triumphed suffocating everything. . the expression of Nietzsche, so life His philosophy has a unsystematic and fragmentary character corresponding to their way of conceiving own philosophical activity:. his thinking developed in a more poetic and critical sense of the theoretical and doctrinal that Formula a critical deep caustic and radical to traditional values of Western culture, which considers decadent, conservatism and the bourgeois world outlook, to Christianity, in short, a whole way of life which it considers contrary to creativity and spontaneity of human nature. task of philosophy should be so the free man that tradition. heralding a new era, a new way of thinking and acting. through the transmutation of all values. Nietzsche emphasizes the appeal to primitive myths of the people, to the heroism and the human will, and artistic manifestations that express these values. His initial excitement of the music of Wagner, whom he later involved in controversy. and myths originating the German people allowed the Nazi ideology, later tried to take possession of his thought. It was deep the influence of Nietzsche in contemporary thought. in philosophy and literatura_ in the decadence of Western culture and discussion of the crisis in our time, as well as in the work dc philosophers like Heidegger and * later * Foucault and Deleuze *. His major works are: The Birth of Tragedy (1872), The philosophy at the time of Greek tragedy (1873), The Gay Science (1882). * Thus Spake Zarathustra (1883-1885), Beyond Good and Evil (1886), The Genealogy of Morals (1887), The Case of Wagner (1888), Twilight of the Idols (1889), The will to power, posthumous (1911). Nihilism (lat. Nihil nothing) 1. philosophical doctrine that denies the existence of absolute *. either as fact or as ethical value. 2. Terms used by Nietzsche to describe what he regarded as the result of European decadence, the ruin of traditional values enshrined in Western civilization of the nineteenth century. characterized by disbelief or a future glorious destiny of civilization. it precludes the idea of progress: and the affirmation of the death of God. denying the belief in an absolute. metaphysical foundation of all ethical, aesthetic and social tradition. The Nietzschean nihilism should. however, lead to new values that are affirmative of life , the human will. overcoming traditional metaphysical principles ca moral of the flock of Christianity and reaching beyond good and evil. 3. Ivan Turgenev 0 Russian writer used the word nihilism in his novel Fathers and Sons, giving it new meaning of revolutionary action of initiative and cooperation of intellectuals in reaction to the Russian autocracy and recommending the use of terrorism to modify the economic, social and political system in Russia
Posted on: Sun, 30 Nov 2014 17:46:32 +0000

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