Niflheim & Norse Cosmology, Odal-Rune: the Odic Power...or, may - TopicsExpress


Niflheim & Norse Cosmology, Odal-Rune: the Odic Power...or, may the Angelic Force be with you @ https://facebook/pages/The-Nazi-Ahnenerbe-Aryans-Aliens-Antarctica/288175454616060 In the realm of modern science physicists ponder the question: What existed before the Big Bang? But in the Norse world view, the universe was not created from nothing, but from a state of existence where the universe was still unformed. We can hypothesize that this state of existence within the Norse world view, the pre-Big Bang reality, is referred to as Ginnungagap. Ginnungagap existed long before Yggdrasill existed, before the existence of the Giants, the Gods and even the nine worlds—well, this is, seven of the nine worlds. Two of the worlds that make up the Yggdrasill, Musspellheim and Niflheim, the realms of fire and Ice, existed when the universe was pre-formed. We can refer to this state as the pre-universe. The realm of fire, Musspellheim, can be compared with the masculine power of Force, while the icy realm of Niflheim is the feminine power of Form. These two realms represent the negative and positive polarities of the magnet, thus they represent the mysterious force of gravity... In the process played out in the formation of the universe, the fiery sparks of Musspellheim flew out of the realm of fire in the southern most part of Ginnungagap, and mixed with the icy yeast flowing out of Niflheim in the north, just as the male sperm enters the female fallopian tube to impregnate the ovary. Since Niflehim is the northern polarity and Mussppellheim is the southern polarity, we can see the principle of opposites attracting in the magnetic attraction. The Fiery Force flies north and impregnates the icy Form of the Northern end of Ginnungagap, causing the ice to melt and form a flow of water...contd @
Posted on: Fri, 19 Dec 2014 12:06:41 +0000

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