Nigeria Decide: Who Is President Jonathan? ~ By Usama - TopicsExpress


Nigeria Decide: Who Is President Jonathan? ~ By Usama Dandare 13 October 2014 In Proverbs 13:20, Solomon, the wise-guy, wrote: “He that walketh with wise men shall be wise: but a companion of fools shall be destroyed.” The above biblical concept refers to the power of association which helps to shape ones character. We have a tendency to become like the people we associate with and if the people you are with are arrested for a crime, you will be arrested, as well you will be called an accomplice to the crime because you are with criminals. We see someone who is a companion of someone successful and that person will try hard, too. I have noticed that we try harder to do just as well as the person we are with. Like our parents always told us when we were young – Be careful who you hang around; Be careful who you associate with. Don’t let just anyone come in and start placing things or speaking things into your life. Parents always warned their siblings and young ones to stay away from bad friends because they might have a huge influence on your life. The general public tends to always categorized you in the same category with your friends and by nature, friends are assumed to be different people but with the same characters and characteristics, with the same behaviors, practice or believe as only people with things in common tends to live in common, as according to a wise saying show me your friends and I’ll show you your future or tell you who you are. Therefore, a friend to a thief is a thief, a friend to a criminal is a criminal, a friend to a fool is a fool and a friend to a saint is also regarded to be a saint. The easiest way to know who a person is, is through his friends and if you want to know someone, know his friends first. As the 2015 general elections is gathering momentum and preparations are in top gears for Nigerians to elect a new President who will sit on the helm of their affairs for another period of four years, Nigerians indeed needs to know who their presidential contestants are before heading to the polls and perhaps thats what prompted me to write this piece in order for Nigerians to choose whos best characters deserved to pilot their nations affairs. Starting with the incumbent President Jonathan Goodluck who is set to seek re-election into the office of the number one citizen of the Federal Republic of Nigeria come 2015. Who is President Jonathan and who are his friends? Lets not forget to remember that birds of the same feathers, flew together and the best way to tell us who you are is by showing us your friends. First on President Jonathan friends list is: CHIEF DIEPREYE ALAMIEYESEIGHA, a retired Airforce Squadron leader and the former Governor of Bayelsa state who was impeached as a governor on corruption charges in 2015. Diepreye Alamieyeseigha was detained in London on charges of money laundering amounting to a cash sum of £1m found in his London home and later the London Metropolitan police found a total of £1.8m ($3.2m) in cash and bank accounts belonging to him in September 2005, he was arrested and later jumped bail in December 2005 from the United Kingdom by disguising himself as a woman. On July 26, 2007, Alamieyeseigha pled guilty before a Nigerian court to six charges and was sentenced to two years in prison on each charge but On July 27, just hours after being taken to prison, he was released due to time already served. On June 28, 2012, the United States (US) Department of Justice (DoJ) announced that it had executed an asset forfeiture order on $401,931 in a Massachusetts brokerage fund, traceable to Alamieyeseigha. US prosecutors filed court papers in April 2011 targeting the Massachusetts brokerage fund and a $600,000 Maryland home, which they alleged were the proceeds of corruption by Alamieyeseigha, he was granted a state pardon by President Goodluck Jonathan on 12 March 2013. SAMINU TURAKI: a former Governor of Jigawa and a Senator of the Federal Republic, this is a man who stole N6bn belonging to Jigawa state in a day when he was the Governor of that state. In July 2007, the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) arrested Saminu Turaki over allegations of corruption and money laundering. Turaki faced a 32-count charge of money laundering, and was said to have laundered about N36 billion of public funds into private accounts. He was released on bail with stringent conditions. ADAMU MUAZU: Alh Muazu is indeed one of the closest ally of President Jonathan, he has been given many appointments by Mr. President until he was appointed as the National Chairman of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) on endorsement of President Jonathan. Adamu Muazu was the Gov of Bauchi state from 1999-2007 and he is still being investigated for graft by the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission, EFCC, for allegedly looting N19.8billion belonging to his state while he was governor between 1999 and 2007. ASARI DOKUBO: a known convicted terrorist who waged full scale war on the Federal Republic of Nigeria, hes the founder of the militant group Niger Delta Peoples Volunteer Force which became one of the most prominent armed groups operating in the Niger Delta region. Hes been convicted severally for terrorism charges and has been arrested in many other countries for illegal arms dealing. Hes indeed one of the few influential Nigerians with access to President Jonathan anytime any day. ALI MODU SHARIFF: Mr. Shariff was a former senator before becoming the governor of Borno state and again returning to the senate, hes a three times senator and two times governor only him. Hes been charged for alleged abuse of power and corruption on several occasions and has also been fingered as the potential sponsor of the dreaded Islamic sect Boko Haram by an Australian hostage negotiator Steven Davies and many committees of inquiry. Hes also among the best friends of President Jonathan. AYO FAYOSE: Fayose was elected governor of Ekiti state in 2003 but was later impeached in 2006, he was accused of murdering Tunde Omolaja in 2005 and was also charged with stealing billions and diverting huge poultry funds. He was arraigned for a financial scandal of Four Hundred and Sixteen Million, One Hundred and Thirty Eight Thousand, Three Hundred and Sixty Naira, Seventy-Five Kobo by the Economic and Financial Crime Commission EFCC. He was the PDP flag bearer in the 2014 Governorship election in Ekiti State slated for June 21 2014. He won the election and has been declared by the Independent National Electoral Commission as the new Governor-Elect, Ekiti State, to be inaugurated on Oct 16 2014. This THUG also recently slapped and beat up a sitting Judge in Ado-Ekiti. Hes also a man of President Jonathan. BURUJI KASAMU: a known convicted drug dealer and one among the few close associates to President Jonathan. The U.S. attorney’s office in Chicago said Kashamu is still wanted on charges alleging his drug ring move worth millions of dollars of heroin from Europe and Southeast Asia through O’Hare International Airport during the 1990s. Mr. Kasamu was arrested by English authorities when he landed there in 1998 and held him for five years during extradition hearings. Ultimately, however, British courts let Kashamu go after ruling that Chicago prosecutors had tainted their eyewitness identification evidence by failing to disclose that one of his co-defendants failed to pick him out of a photo lineup. Hes now among the strongest pillars of President Jonathan political activities. GOVERNMENT EKPEMUPOLO (TOMPOLO): Tompolo is a well-known terrorist who also waged war against Nigeria, hes the commander of the militant group Movement for the Emancipation of the Niger Delta (MEND), he was a high ranking commander in various militant groups in the Niger Delta and made his wealth through terrorism by purchasing stockpiles of weaponry for MEND and also funding militants. Tompolo is actually one of the close member in President Jonathans circle of friends and one among the beneficiaries of Jonathan regime, he was recently awarded a multi-billion Naira contract to guard Nigerian waters by Jonathan government. STELLA ODUAH: Mrs. Oduah was the Minister of Aviation until when Jonathan was forced to relieve her off her duties on 12 February 2014 following series of scandals. She is also an active member in the political campaign of Goodluck Jonathan, where she served as his campaigns Director of Administration and Finance. She has also been involved in numerous scandals ranging from highly inflated purchase of BMW bullet-proof cars without following due process as well as certificate forgery case that she claimed to obtained an MBA degree from St Pauls College where Mrs. Oduah claimed she studied for Bachelor and Masters degrees, and was later found the college did not award her an MBA at anytime as the university doesnt even have a graduate school or graduate program. DIEZANI ALISON-MADUEKE: The corruption tainted minister of petroleum resources and one of the key influential figures of Jonathan administration, shes perhaps one of the closest person to President Jonathan. Alison-Madueke was subject to a Senate probe for paying a miraculous sum of 30.9 billion naira ($263 million) to contractors between 26 and 31 December 2007 when she was the Transport Minister. In October 2009, the Senate of Nigeria indicted Diezani Alison-Madueke and recommended her for prosecution for transferring 1.2 billion naira into the private account of a toll company without due process and in breach of concession agreement. She was also indicted in the alleged disappearance of $20bn unremitted funds from the nations crude oil account and currently under investigation for allegedly maintaining a charted jet at an annual fee of 10bn Naira. She is and still remains the Petroleum Minister of the Federal Republic of Nigeria. I would had loved to bring you more and more friends of President Jonathan but due to time constraint, i will pause here and leave Nigerians to judge who their Presidential aspirant is and who to entrust their mandate and faith on. Ladies and gentlemen, i present to you friends of President Jonathan and once again come to you with the question; WHO IS PRESIDENT JONATHAN? Once more, show me your friends and i will tell you who you are. In my next article titled Who is General Buhari? on Nigeria decide, I will bring to you the closest associates and friends of General Muhammadu Buhari.
Posted on: Sun, 12 Oct 2014 23:19:12 +0000

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