Nigeria Exist on Paper Only; Nigeria is Neither a Country nor a - TopicsExpress


Nigeria Exist on Paper Only; Nigeria is Neither a Country nor a Nation ABUJA – Credible reports say Nigeria is neither a country nor is it a nation, considering the emerging economic, political and security failings and other unfolding developments in the land. In fact some commentators and pundits say Nigeria has always being a lie and remains a LIE. Several reports said that the ”radical Muslim sect has shot police officials and clerics from atop motorcycles, torched churches and even freed hundreds in a brazen prison escape in Nigeria’s restive north. But this week, Boko Haram expanded its reach and claimed its first suicide bombing in the capital of Africa’s most populous nation”, demonstrate yet again, significant element of the beginning of the final collapse. Other commentators and activists who declined to give their names weren’t nice enough. They say, “Nigeria exist only on the fraudulent blue print and pages of newspapers”. Adding, they said: “Nigeria is neither a country nor a nation… you can take that to the bank”. Credible sources disclosed to RepublicReport that so-called Nigerians hardly identify themselves in public gatherings outside her shores for many reasons. They listed: epidemic corruption, lack of love for country, deep rooted suspicions between ethnic-Nations; regionalism, sectionalism, marginalization, cabalism, cronyism, tribalism and much more. They said these and more makes it difficult for those nations and its peoples trapped in what some called “Lugard-cage” to identify with her. For instance, it was reported on Thursday’s that Boko Haram attack killed at least eight (8) people and injured many innocent people from bomb explosions at Force Headquarters. Sources this sent a thick cloud of smoke into the sky that could be seen from across the capital. By striking at the national police headquarters in Abuja, analysts say the group is showing it is willing to spread its fight beyond Nigeria’s Muslim-dominated north”. “This was a bold and deliberate statement on their part to announce that they have come to stay,” said criminologist and security consultant Innocent Chukwuma. RepublicReport New York reported Saturday that President Jonathan is colossally clueless about national security and governance. Mr. Jonathan reaction to the bombing so far does not show leadership. He was quoted to have said: “Justice will be done”. He also told the public not to panic. As such attacks would soon be “a thing of the past.” It may interest our readers that President Jonathan summarized Force Headquarters bombing as follows: “Terrorist attacks are a global phenomenon not peculiar to Nigeria alone, “all over the world, nobody is free.” – President Goodluck Jonathan. A source said unsuspecting public cannot be sweet talked into believing the same political rhetoric by present and past purported leaders of the so-called Nigeria time and again. Several intelligence in our possession show that Nigeria is heading to precipice. According to AP, “This was not an ordinary police station,” one Chukwuma Awaegbu, a 36 year-old fashion designer in the commercial capital of Lagos disclosed to the reporters. Adding that, “It was the police headquarters for the whole country … Anything can happen, anything, anytime, anywhere.” Meanwhile, MASSOB leader, Ralph Uwazuruike is heating up the body polity. He revealed to reporters that MASSOB might change its non-violence approach seeking freedom and self-determination for Biafrans to Boko Haram belligerent bombing style since dubious federal government of Nigeria understands only the language of violence. MASSOB-leader, Ralph Uwazuruike, told reporters that both MASSOB and Boko Haram were “calling for the division of the country in different ways, saying while the Boko Haram adopted violence approach to press their demands, the latter (MASSOB) engaged in non-violent method to achieve the same objective”. Impeccable reports state that it has “MASSOB over 12 years preaching the gospel of Biafra sovereignty through non-violence, government had not deemed it necessary to invite the group for discussion but regretted that within a short space of time of the Islamic group’s bomb attack across the country, government had extended olive branch to it. Uwazuruike sarcastically said he congratulate them for accomplishing this in a short period of time. He said: “I congratulate them because it has taken me more than 12 years to preach the same language that they are saying today that Nigeria needs to be divided at least between Christians and Moslems, but the Federal Government has ignored me for 12 years.” “Now, within a very short space of time the Boko Haram people have said the same thing I was saying through non-violence, the Federal Government has invited them and of which the group, (Boko Haram) has ignored the government and continue what they are doing.” The MASSOB leader made it clear that if he had his way, the group would join the Boko Haram and the entire nation would be in flames, since it was the only language the Federal Government understood. “I am telling you that if I have my way now, I will join the Boko Haram and the entire country will turn into crisis, since it is what the Federal Government wants. I am saying it today that, I congratulate the Boko Haram people and I wish they will continue in their efforts and if I have my way, I will join them. ” He regretted that, whenever the MASSOB embarked on a peaceful demonstration, government, through its security agencies would clamp down on them, even maiming and killing them in the process. He, however, advised the Boko Haram not to bomb the rural areas, where common people reside, but, should focus attention on those who were clamoring for oneness of the country because of what they gained from the national treasury. He dismissed the insinuations that members of the Boko Haram group were invisible, alleging that some members of the nation’s security agencies belonged to the sect. Alleging further, the MASSOB leader said the Boko Haram were being sponsored by top politicians and business tycoons in Nigeria. Uwazuruike, who dismissed those who claimed that members of the Islamic group were invisible, said the sect were human beings made up of flesh and blood but decided to make themselves invisible because they were committing crimes. RepublicReport investigation show that over 10,000 MASSOB members have been killed across the country since 1990 it was established. Curiously Nigerian security forces allegedly lack the tools to prevent serious security threats, commentators like Chukwuma, a security consultant told AP; but he failed to mention that billions of dollars are budgeted annually to equip so called Nigeria security and intelligence community (Nigeria Police force included), unfortunately these funds are carted away into private accounts inside and outside the country using proxy domiciliary names and accounts in such place like Swiss Bank, UK Banks, US-Banking industries and elsewhere. RepublicReport gathered that, Police force reform has emphasized more on hardware at the expense of investment in intelligence-led approaches, but police leadership at all level pocket the funds and nobody asked what happened to these funds that runs in billions after billions of Naira. Other reports said that in Maiduguri, residents say the police’s heavy-handed approach is not working. “The police should stop killing sect members,” said 52-year-old Umaru Giwi on Saturday. “They should prosecute the arrested ones in court instead of killing them on the battlefield.” RepublicReport investigation shows that while the nation’s security agencies unravels as it struggles to fight back terrorists attackers, pundits and commentators say Islamic fundamentalist like Boko Haram’s tactics and support will continue to swell. Our investigation shows that Boko Haram is affiliated to Al-Qaeda terror organization, emerging reports show that we investigation was right on money. According AP: “Suicide bombing is a culture,” said Olusegun Sotola, a researcher at the Lagos-based Institute for Public Policy Analysis. “It has become entrenched in other parts of the world, and it can take root here too”. US intelligence community said that Nigeria will disintegrate in 2015 or earlier. Apparently what are witnessing might the end of British-Nigeria experience that was never meant to serve the ethnic-Nations inside her fragile frontiers. Read full report beneath…. Boko Haram, whose name in the local Hausa language means “Western education is sacrilege,” has long campaigned for the implementation of strict Shariah law across Nigeria’s northern states. The country’s south is predominantly Christian. The group is responsible for a rash of killings which have targeted security officers, politicians and clerics in Nigeria’s northeast over the last year. But until recently, most attacks have been near the sect’s stronghold of Maiduguri, about 540 miles (some 880 kilometers) from Abuja. Author Shehu Sani, who wrote “The Killing Fields,” an account of religious violence in Nigeria, says the government has long denied the severity of the situation. “The truth is that Nigeria is engaged in a deadly Islamic insurgency which the authorities are continuously denying and downplaying,” he said. Western governments have previously expressed concern over Boko Haram, with the U.S. calling the group the “Nigerian Taliban” in a 2009 cable released last year by the WikiLeaks website. The documents also expressed fear that Boko Haram was catching the attention of al-Qaida’s north African branch. In a leaflet attributed to the group and delivered to journalists Wednesday, Boko Haram claimed that some of its members had been trained in Somalia. The lack of an effective government there has allowed terror groups to operate freely. “Very soon,” the message said in Hausa, “we will wage Jihad on the enemies of God and His Prophet.” It became clear Boko Haram had broadened its reach in May, after a man who said he spoke for the group claimed responsibility for multiple blasts that hit beer gardens in two northern cities and a town near the capital, leaving 18 people dead. The May 29 attacks came hours after Nigeria inaugurated President Goodluck Jonathan. Jonathan then expressed his readiness to negotiate with Nigeria’s new crop of militants. Militancy in the country’s oil-rich delta had already been appeased with a 2009 amnesty program. The governor of the state most affected by Boko Haram attacks made a similar offer to the sect. But the group seemed unwilling to cooperate. In leaflet distributed June 12 and signed by a man called Usman Al-Zawahiri, they imposed a laundry list of conditions that they said needed to be met before they would enter talks the government. That list included the implementation of Shariah law in the north, the resignation of the newly elected state government and the prosecution of top officials who the group holds responsible for the death of Boko Haram leader Mohammed Yusuf, who died in police custody in 2009. Shortly after those demands were made, Inspector General of Police Hafiz Ringim visited the Boko Haram stronghold of Maiduguri. During Tuesday’s visit, he said the group’s days were “numbered.” Two days later, the suicide bomber attacked just outside Ringim’s office. A traffic warden was the only confirmed death, aside from the alleged bomber. Jonathan, in a bid to reassure Nigerians, said Friday that “security agencies are on top of it,” as he stood amid the wreckage in the parking lot of what many Nigerians consider a bastion of security. He asked people not to panic, adding that such attacks would soon be “a thing of the past.” But people say they are not reassured. “This was not an ordinary police station,” said Chukwuma Awaegbu, a 36 year-old fashion designer in the commercial capital of Lagos. “It was the police headquarters for the whole country … Anything can happen, anything, anytime, anywhere.” Nigerian security forces lack the tools to prevent serious security threats, said Chukwuma, the security consultant. “Their reform has emphasized more on hardware at the expense of investment in intelligence-led approaches,” he said. In Maiduguri, residents say the police’s heavy-handed approach is not working. “The police should stop killing sect members,” said 52-year-old Umaru Giwi on Saturday. “They should prosecute the arrested ones in court instead of killing them on the battlefield.” As security agencies struggle to fight back, analysts say Boko Haram’s tactics keep evolving. “Suicide bombing is a culture,” said Olusegun Sotola, a researcher at the Lagos-based Institute for Public Policy Analysis. “It has become entrenched in other parts of the world, and it can take root here too.” M. Lawal Ishaq Esq. Associated Press
Posted on: Fri, 13 Sep 2013 12:40:43 +0000

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