Nigeria : Verdict 2015. Make no mistake about it the February - TopicsExpress


Nigeria : Verdict 2015. Make no mistake about it the February 14, Presidential election is far more important than any other election in the annals of our political history. This is because the results have far reaching implications. It may well be the end of the beginning or the beginning of the end of the country as presently constituted. Nigerians will have an opportunity to make a choice of the different options before us. On the one hand we have the incumbent President Jonathan and Mr. Muhammadu Buhari respectively as the major contenders. This is one moment you cannot afford to stand aside and therefore I urge all eligible voters to think reflect and vote wisely because your future and that of your children are at stake. Despite the misrepresentation and disinformation by a section of the press, the candidature of Mr Buhari portends grave danger to unity of this country. His record in office between December 31 1983 and August 27 1985 speaks for itself. Furthermore so also when he was appointed by Mr Abacha as Chairman of PTF. In these positions Mr Buhari showed utter disdain for the rest of the country with open biased in favour of Hausa - Fulani moslem. Furthermore he contested election previously three times 2003, 2007 and 2011 respectively. Apart from the fact that 90 percent of his support base is from the Hausa Fulani his actions and utterances equally betray him as an unrepentant voice of bigotry. Thus as we go into 2015 can we in all honesty trust the same man to be fair to all sections of the country ? Some friends on the other side want us to believe that Buhari is now changed person! This to my mind is delusional! There is nothing about him in his words or deeds to back this up except his change of attires! Electing Buhari as President is like electing a Klans man KKK as President of the United States.
Posted on: Mon, 22 Dec 2014 00:29:15 +0000

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