Nigeria has been entitled among seven African nations that will - TopicsExpress


Nigeria has been entitled among seven African nations that will advantage from a $7bn intervention fund pledged by the United States President Barack Obama for the upgrade of power supply in sub Saharan Africa. The dire state of power provide in the region got Obama’s vigilance on Sunday as the US President, actually on a trip of three African countries, pledged $7bn to help battle frequent power blackouts in sub-Saharan Africa. The CNN quoted a White dwelling declaration on Sunday, as reporting that the funds from the start, Power Africa, would be distributed over the next five years. Other African nations recorded for the $7bn largesse are Ethiopia, Kenya, Liberia, Tanzania, Uganda and Mozambique. “These countries have set ambitious goals in electric power generation, and are making the utility and power part reforms to pave the way for buying into and growth,” the White House declaration said. According to the declaration, more than two-thirds of the population of sub-Saharan Africa is without electrical energy, and more than 85 per cent of those living in rural localities lack access to the facility. In outlook of this, the White House said sub-Saharan Africa would need more than $300bn to achieve universal electrical energy access by 2030. regardless of the gigantic investments pledged to the power part under the Olusegun Obasdanjo regime, power supply has stayed abysmally poor in Nigeria. As such, Nigerians spend about $11bn annually on power lifetime through the usage of generators, which involved the usage of fuel. The best the country has got is a 6,500 Mega Watts capability and contrary to the assertions in government quarters that the homeland was developing at least 4,500MW of electrical energy daily, it was gathered that the number was significantly smaller than that. PHCN statistics showed that the last time the country developed 4,500MW of electricity was on December 23, 2012. This means that all the power generation plants in the country have not developed up to 4,000MW since January 2013 due to reliable scheme collapse. lately, power lifetime in the country fallen by 1,598 megawatts following the vandalism of two major gas pipelines providing gas to eight power developing positions. The White dwelling declaration said the $7bn fund would help sub Saharan African nations improvement power supply and enhance the inhabits of their citizens.
Posted on: Mon, 01 Jul 2013 13:09:05 +0000

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