Nigeria has really become a land of possibilities. A land of chi - TopicsExpress


Nigeria has really become a land of possibilities. A land of chi boo anu ozo. Ana asi miri ezola ya ana atiisi. I cannot find the right words to describe the aviation Minister Stella Odua and her Ministry for acquiring two BMW cars at the whopping sum of 1.6million dollars. The only thing I can say is that this is quite preposterous. This is a woman overseeing a ministry where planes crash at will and instead of bowing her head in shame, she is flaunting her arrogance and daring our sensibilities and commonsense. If her slate was clean, why would she be buying a bullet proof car?And if I may ask, who is after Stella Odua? If a mere appendage of the government can buy just two cars at this outrageous amount, what of the Oga and madam at the top? And to think that this extravaganza is going on when the education sector has been currently put on hold, when an average Nigerian is living below a dollar per day is the more annoying. Please who is this Stella Odua and what was her background before becoming a minister? Was she poopooing in a gold plated water closet? Is she gonna be a minister forever and what happens after she steps down from her current position? Are those after her now (assuming there are any) gonna fizzle into thin air with this purchase of state of the art amour plated cars? Has she forgotten that onye nche neche nefu oburu ma Jehova echeghi obodo and that the best type of security is not surrounding oneself with all the military arsenal in the world but in sincerity of purpose and honesty of intentions. No wonder you guys dont give a damn when you are told to declare your assets. Have you guys not heard of leadership by example or is this a classic example of sowe okwum esona omumem. Is it not said that onye mara iwu shi anaghi anu (drink) ogwu afo? Uncle GEJ, there is a man of honour called Pope Francis. He is such a pious and austere pope who leads by example. He continues to remind his priests that they should live as priests and not princes, that the church is the church of the poor. And to prove his point, he has just summoned one of the Bishops of German descent to Rome to explain why he should use a mind boggling sum of 42 million dollars to renovate his mansion and why he should fly First Class to India to see the poor. Uncle GEJ, I want you to emulate His Holiness Pope Francis and summon Stella Odua to explain this financial rascality. Other help hands in your government who dip there hands in public coffers should also be summoned without delay. Ndi Igbo si na shi baala abaa oga wu kpowa nkita but I believe this damage control will give your government some form of facelift and credibility which it badly needs at the moment. In the absence of this, the honourable thing to do is to sack Stella Odua or for Jonathan himself to take a bow. Yes accountability wu madu itacha ukwa jaara umunna eze!
Posted on: Sat, 19 Oct 2013 09:57:12 +0000

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