Nigeria is an ignorant nation. This much was exhibited by all the - TopicsExpress


Nigeria is an ignorant nation. This much was exhibited by all the delegates at the ongoing National Conference, yesterday. The 20-committees of the National Conference was a mistake. At this stage, only the Committee on Political Restructuring and Forms of Government ought to have been created. Not until this Committee decides the Forms of Government between: a. Parliamentary System or Presidential System. b. Bicameral or Unicameral Legislature. c. Regions or States as Federating Units. d. States and areas that will constitute Geo-Political Zones. e. Who will be responsible for the creation of States - the Region or the Federal Government. f. Who will be responsible for the creation of the Local Governments - the Region/State or the Federal Government. Before the Committee on Devolution of Power can sit to determine Fiscal Federalism; Revenue Sharing; Resource Control; Sharing Formula and any other related matters. The manner the 20 committees have been formed now means that while the Committee on Devolution of Power whose responsibilities comprise Fiscal Federalism, Revenue Sharing, Resource Control, and Sharing Formula, is thinking along the line of Presidential System and States as the Federating Units and recommends Sharing Formula between the Federal Government and the States, the Committee on Political Restructuring and Forms of Government, may adopt Parliamentary System and Regions as the Federating Units. The Committee on the Devolution of Power may then have to go back and come up with another Sharing Formula between the Federal Government and the Regions. The other 18 Committees would experience similar problems. The first thing the delegates ought to have done is to agree on the Political Restructuring and Forms of Government for Nigeria first before talking on National Security; Environment Meteorology and Climate Change; Politics and Governance; Law, Judiciary, Human Rights, Legal Reform, Law and Order; Social Sector; Transportation; Science, Technology and Development; Agriculture; Civil Society, Labour, and Sports; Public Service; Political Parties and Electoral Matters; Foreign Policy and Diaspora Matters; Land Tenure Matters and National Boundary; The Economy, Trade and Investment; Energy; Religion; Public Finance and Revenue Generation; and Citizenship, Immigration and Related Matters.
Posted on: Fri, 18 Apr 2014 19:13:38 +0000

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