Nigeria on my mind: Politics and Election suspended for a - TopicsExpress


Nigeria on my mind: Politics and Election suspended for a while. hear this: I am a guest at a registry in a local gorvernment in Lagos as I write. There, a serious controversy is brewing. The LG officials have refused to conduct wedding for a particular couple. Their offence; the lovely couple appeared in Chealse football club jersey for their wedding. The LG official, despite all plea insist they are not properly dressed for wedding. We have tried to define what constitute proper wedding and we couldnt. The young couple are fraustrated. They plea that they have made a vow to themselve to do just this; (be in Chelsea top for theoir wedding) we asked the official to back theor action with a known statute, they refused. Now, I need a lawyer inhouse to help. what is the position of the law here? Is the officials right in refusing them? What does moral stand here? Please advise.
Posted on: Thu, 15 Jan 2015 08:57:06 +0000

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