Nigerian Social Change Social change refers to eth alterations in - TopicsExpress


Nigerian Social Change Social change refers to eth alterations in patterns of culture, social structure and social behavior over a period of time it refers to the modifications that occur within social institutions, social attitudes beliefs, values and patterns of relationships and behavior examples of social change include shifts or transformation in the age distribution of a society’s population. It also include average educational level, birth rate and death rate, decline of informality and personal neighborhood as a result of urbanization, rural urban migration, wage labor evening or even the change in the relationship between parents and their children or the relationship between a husband and his wife. Factors that Causes Social Change 1) Diffusion: - Is a source of social change, it is defined as the spread of cultural element from one society to another, cultural trait such as music, mode of dressing or language forms, may originate from one society to another. Diffusion often results from contact through trade, travelling, migration, telecommunication or conquest. Theories of Change Evolutional Change: - The ideal of evo of social change is basis on the facts that all societies develop gradually from simple bringing to a complex from these ideal derive from cross cultural evidence which pointed to the existence small scale simple societies and which history has shown that many of these small scale societies into larger and industrial societies for the evolution change means progress these is a reflection of social Darwinism. 2) Functionalist of Change: - Mostly associated lot the work drawn. Financial believe that social system must be preserve in a state of social equilibrium. These can also be seen the work talked persons who maintained that social change is a momentary in balance in a social system which none the less triggers of other adjective mechanism that helps to bring back or restore the system into equilibrium once again, but this time a secondary level of equilibrium. 3) Conflict Theory of Change: - The conflict theory of change argues that social change is caused by tension and conflicts between groups with opposing interact in a society. Conflict theories assume that conflict is a normal features of society because economic and social with different winterish and value are band to clash from the time to time, social change therefore is billed as constant and unavoidable characteristic of society. Revolutionary Theory: - In the communist manufacture published in 1848 Karl Marx and his friend Fredrick Engels made a famous declaration that “the history of all hitherto existing societies in a history of class struggle” by this statement they meant that the history of all social change is a producer of class conflict generated as a result of revolution. 1) Transition of Nigerian from Traditional to Modern: - This include forming, fishing people also engage in some other economic activities that include something, weaving, dying, hunting and gathering. 2) Low Population Density: - Nigeria has low population density in the past time. 3) Dispersed Settlement: - Scattered houses 4) Traditional Political System: - As in the cause of north and western Nigeria which have centralized pol. System and decentralized in the case of eastern Nigeria. 5) Peaceful co-existence of community 6) Communalism within communities 7) Adherence to traditional belief appreciation of western value 8) Extended family system/nuclear family 9) Polygamous system of marriage/monogamy system 10) Respect of traditional norms. As a result of contact with the out world a lot of changes began to take place in Nigeria. Contact with the Arabs with the Northern shows a lot of changes that affect the economic, political and the social-cultural system of that region, subsistence farming which was a pre-colonial practice had been re-oriented or transformed into cash crop production which benefited the European economy. Another major transformation is the Nigeria political system monarchy which was the pre-colonial system has been charge by western oriented political system as be known as democracy. Polygamous marriage especially in the southern part of Nigeria has been substituted by monogamy. Family system is another aspect of social life of the Nigerian people that under-gone transformation that’s to say it change from extended to unclear, residence also from patria-local, new local, part of interaction also change communication gave way to individualism etc. Pre-Colonial Era As a result of contact with both the Arabs and Europeans, and as a result of colonialism, Nigeria transformed from traditionalist to modernity and presently it is characterized by the following modern factors. 1) Industrial economy 2) High population density 3) Ethnic religious and community crisis 4) Individualism 5) Nuclear family 6) Monogamy system of marriage 7) A well planned design settlement 8) Modern democracy
Posted on: Sun, 10 Aug 2014 17:22:50 +0000

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