Nigeria’s Prophet T B Joshua About President Barack Obama - TopicsExpress


Nigeria’s Prophet T B Joshua About President Barack Obama Falling Sick And ISIS Terrorists Threat Against the UK By AccraReport Staff @accrareport · On September 6, 2014 President Barack Obama will soon fall sick, Nigeria’s Prophet T B Joshua has told his congregation in Africa’s most populous nation, according a Nigerian Freelance Journalist who goes by Ihechukwu Njoku. The founder of the Synagogue Church of All Nations (SCOAN), according to Njoku, told members of the Church on Sunday August 31, 2014 that the US President would be rushed to hospital with a ‘health challenge’. “Pray for the president of America. I am seeing him being rushed to the hospital, but he will get over it”, Joshua stated. “They should allow him to rest; he should not go for an operation,” he warned. “I am not talking of myself; I am talking of God”. The famous African cleric also warned that a “very big big shot” in his country would soon be attacked and killed. “Last time, I said we should pray for Nigerian ‘big shots’ – because I am seeing these people begin to target them”, Joshua warned amidst reminders of earlier prophecies in May that the country’s militant Islamist group, Boko Haram, would soon start targeting Nigeria’s political elite. The service, which was broadcast live on the Church’s Emmanuel TV Channel urged the congregation to pray against the looming attack, which he said “will result [in the] death” of a very big shot. “They are just looking for an avenue that will cause crisis and conflict in the region… When it happens, it will cause political crisis.” He also prophesied an imminent plane crash in the unstable region near Russia and Ukraine. “Commercial planes should not pass there because I am seeing a plane full of passenger’s crash in that region. It will not be between Ukraine and Russia this time but it is close to that place, a neighbouring region,” he warned. According to the Journalist, Joshua further prophesied a ‘militant’ attack against a highly placed political figure in Southern Africa, also specifying the nation of Kenya for prayer. “I am seeing militants are interested in embarrassing a president – either they kill him or kidnap him. That is just their objective in the Southern region– to kidnap the president, vice president or first lady of that nation”. Joshua also noted that Poland would also soon be engulfed in a crisis. “Crisis will start any moment from now. It will start with internal crisis… What is the word 16? I was made to see the nation Poland – pray for the nation,” he said. He also warned the United Kingdom to ‘secure their country’ in lieu of the security alert issued by the UK government due to the threat of ISIS terrorists. “They should strategise and secure their country in the middle of this month – 15,16,17,18 – and the end of the month,” Joshua said. in
Posted on: Mon, 08 Dec 2014 10:08:19 +0000

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