Night Four of Hanukkah: Menorah vs. Hanukkiyah The menorah is - TopicsExpress


Night Four of Hanukkah: Menorah vs. Hanukkiyah The menorah is a seven-branched candelabra used in synagogues. The hanukkiyah is a nine-branched candelabra used during Hanukkah. Because the hanukkiyah can also be called a Hanukkah menorah, confusion often sets in. Tradition states that the hanukkiyah should have all candles or wicks at the same level, with only the shamash – the ninth candle or wick, for lighting the other eight – a bit higher or lower. GPS navigation could help when organizing the hanukkiyah. According to accepted rules, you should place the candles right to left to correspond with the direction in which you read the Hebrew language. But you should light the candles from left to right, giving more attention to the new candle first. The lighting of the is the most important Hanukkah tradition. A menorah is a candlestand with nine branches. Usually eight candles - one for each day of Hanukka - are of the same height, with a taller one in the middle, the shamash (servant), which is used to light the others. Each evening of Hanukkah, one more candle is lit, with a special blessing. The menorah symbolizes the burning light in the temple, as well as marking the eight days of the Hanukkah festival. Some say it also celebrates the light of freedom won by the Maccabees for the Jewish people.
Posted on: Fri, 19 Dec 2014 13:36:08 +0000

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