Night of Champions Match 1: Kevin Thorn vs Jack Swagger- The - TopicsExpress


Night of Champions Match 1: Kevin Thorn vs Jack Swagger- The Vampire enters the ring and the JNW universe is frightened. But then the real american’s music hit and out comes Jack Swagger. The match begins with the two trading blows and thron getting the upper hand as he knocks Jack Swagger to the ground. Thorn then proceeds to stomp jack swagger when swagger catches his foot and applies an ankle lock. Thorn frantically in pain crawls to the ropes but gets the break. Thorn gets up but swagger kicks out his leg from under him knocking him back to the ground. Swagger then runs the ring and comes back hitting thorn with a shoulder tackle again knocking the vampire down. Swagger looks to the fans and says “WE THE PEOPLE” Thorn in anger swings a huge haymaker but it is dodged and Swagger maneuvers to behind thorn and delivers a huge swagger plex seemingly knocking thorn out cold. Swagger again applies the Ankle lock and the ref deems Thorn out cold unable to tap or compete and calls the match. WINNER JACK SWAGGER Match 2: Shelton Benjamin vs Charlie Haas- In a match full of jealousy, hatred, bitterness, these former best friends and partners locked up for a final showdown. It went both ways, arm drags, toe hold take downs, suplex galore, submission holds…..But after a strong third german suplex from Charlie Haas to Shelton it appeared the best time and Haas applied the Haas of pain. There was nowhere for the gold standard to go. Somehow knowing eachother so well Shelton still managed to escape his former partners best hold. The two went back to trading blows but Shelton got the upper hand before hitting a quick shining wizard knocking Haas to the ground. Shelton went to the top rode and delivered a flying clothesline before nailing his Tbone suplex and holding it in position for the 3 count victory over Charlie Haas. WINNER: Shelton Benjamin Segment: JNW Studios is interviewing Ultimate Warrior backstage about his Ultimate come back when Warrior is attacked from Behind by Tyson Tomko. He is hit right after with a killswitch from Christian on the cement but from out came Ted Dibiase jr running in to the acting steel chair in hand. He laid out tomko with a chair shot to the head but Christian escaped the scene. Dibiase helped Warrior up and to the dressing room. Match 3: [IC Title Match] MVP(Champ) vs Carlito - Carlito comes out and stands in the ring eating an apple. MVP comes down to the ring and grabs the mic saying theres nothing Carlito has done in JNW that makes him deserve this title shot but that he would gladly clown the chump to show its all hype. MVP was putting his belt down turned back around to get apple spat in his face and a big clothesline from Carlito. As MVP was getting back up trying to get the apple hunks from his eyes Carlito hit him with the back cracker and rolled him up for the 3 count. WINNER: CARLITO AND NEW IC CHAMP Segment: Daniel Bryan is in the dressing room getting warmed up for his main event title match when he is attacked by Rey Mysterio from behind. Ray was yelling this is what you get for having the wolfpac attacked. D Bryan managed to fight off Rey but was attacked from behind yet again by Mr Perfect who delivered a big suplex onto the cement before grabbing Rey and fleeing the scene. Match 4: [Hardcore Title Match] Ralph Shamrock vs Abdullah The Butcher vs Bubba Ray Dudley(Champ) – The bell rings and the three stare eachother down before Ralph charges at Abdullah the butcher. Bubba with a smirk on his face goes to the corner and sits in the turnbuckles as Ralph and Abdullah trade massive blows. Ralph eventually began gaining control and knocked the butcher down in the opposite corner and started striking him repeatedly. Bubba went outside the ring and set up a table outside the ring before grabbing a chair and sliding back into the ring. Bubba hit Shamrock in the back of the head laying him out and then proceeded to give chair shots to the already down Abdullah the Butcher. Bubba put the chair flat on the ground lifted Abdullah and gave him a DDT on the chair before covering him 1-2….Bubba was pulled off by the foot by Ralph who then locked on the ankle lock and grapevine it before Bubba could escape and Bubba tapped out. WINNER AND NEW HARDCORE CHAMP RALPH SHAMROCK After the Match Ralph Attacked both Abdullah and Bubba who was having a hard time to get to his feet after the Ankle lock. Ralph left them both laid out while holding up his newly won title Segment: Vince, Mark Henry, and the spirit squad entered the wolfpac locker room with all members of the wolfpac minus Kevin Nash in attendance stating that they would have to choose a wolfpac member to represent them in tonights title match….and that if Daniel Bryan was touched again they would forfeit the opportunity to the title and The shot would then go to Mark Henry Match 5: [Tag title match] Matt Hardy & Paul London(Champs) vs Rated RKO(Edge and Randy Orton) – The four men entered the ring clean and the match started out seeing Paul London facing the rated R super star. Edge went after London but was hit with quick kicks and strikes he had no answer for. London was toying with the rated R superstar until edge got angry and charged at London in the corner for a spear but London hopped out of the way and edge hit the ring post before London grabbed him and hit a neck breaker. London then hopped up to the top turn buckle and hit a 450 splash on Edge and covered him but the pin was broken up by randy orton who hit London with his inverted back breaker. This gave Edge time to crawl to the corner and make the tag but at the same time Matt hardy was tagged in. Hardy ran at orton and the two exchanged blows before Orton Knocked hardy to the ground. Hardy got up and tried for the side effect but Orton countered it into a fast wrenching RKO and covered Hardy quickly but that cover was broke up by London who drop kicked orton in the ribs knocking him from Hardy. As orton was getting up this time Hardy hit the side effect successfully before jumping and hitting Edge off the ring apron with a flying forarm and going back to Orotn with a twist of fate! London quickly ran around the outside of the ring and attacked Edge at ringside preventing him from entering the ring as Hardy pinned Randy and receiving the pin fall victory and defending the titles, the nighthawks flew high into the night: WINNER AND STILL THE TAG TEAM CHAMPIONS OF JNW, THE NIGHTHAWKS After the match all members of evolution entered the ring…..Batista, Ric Flair, Triple H and Chris Masters. They looked at Orton, they looked at Edge….then all five members of evolution turned their attention to edge and put a beat down on him. They lined up and all delivered their finishers to the rated R superstar followed lastly by Masters applying the masterlock on edge until he passed out from the pain. Meanwhile the nighthawks were celebrating their win at the top of the entry ramp and laughing at what became of their challengers when from behind they were attacked By Rob Conway and Sylvain Grenier. They knocked both London and Hardy down and then both grabbed them and at the same time DDT’d both members of the nighthawks on the steel entry ramp before holding up the titles then tossing them on the laid out nighthawks. Match 6: NO INTERFERNCE ALLOWED - Stone Cold vs Brock Lesnar- JNWS biggest match of the season saw it all….Brawling all over the JNW studios, steel chair shots, powerbombs through Cariboo cans….sledgehammers, stretchers….it was all used in this doozy. Stone cold had hit the stunner and tried to cover Lesnar but Lesnar kicked out at 2, Lesnar had hit the F5 on stonecold but he as well kicked out at the 2 count. Austin lost it and beat Lesnar down into the corner doing his famous stone cold mudhole stomp but Lesnar powered out of the corner and tossed Austin into the opposite corner and proceeded to put a beat down on Austin of his own. Lesnar then put Stone cold up on his shoulders and screamed hes finished and delivered a thunderous F5 directly onto a steel chair. He covered stone cold 1-2….AUSTIN KICKS OUT AGAIN! Lesnar then grabbed his arm and locked in kimura lock and Austin had no choice and no where to go and he tapped out. The JNW universe boo’d loud at this submission finish but Lesnar didn’t care in the slightest. He got up after the match and flipped off all of JNW before delivering a huge F5 to stone cold again in the middle of the ring before leaving. Meanwhile backstage the wolfpac has decided that Booker T will fill in for tonights JNW Title Match Match 7 JNW HEAVYWEIGHT TITLE MATCH : Booker T Vs Daniel Bryan - The two squared off and Bryan was hungry attacking booker early on, but booker played it slow and stayed par with Bryan but the beat down prior in the night was showing as Bryan was becoming more gassed earlier than usual and showing pain. Booker targeted the obviously weakened leg of Bryan attacking it each time he saw a chance. Bryan fought back hard and suplexed booker down hard in the center of the ring, quickly hopped to the top rope and went for the flying goat…..Booker rolled out of the way the goat crashed and burned and booker started lining up for a huge Scissor kick. As D Bryan was getting up BOOM he was hit with the scissor kick. Booker then picked up the much smaller bryan and hit a huge book end before covering Daniel Bryan for the 3 count and becoming the first ever JNW Heavyweight Champion. WINNER AND FIRST EVER JNW HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION KING BOOKER https://youtube/watch?v=XBm-qO3iGxU
Posted on: Wed, 15 Oct 2014 19:31:48 +0000

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