Night yall....not the best of days today. There is a cost to - TopicsExpress


Night yall....not the best of days today. There is a cost to following JESUS. Luke 9:62(NIV)...JESUS replied, No one who puts his hand to the plow and looks back is fit for service in the kingdom of GOD. Pretty harsh words seemed like to me, but I thought about it for a while. Have you ever seen a field freshly plowed? The lines are straight, same width and even. This is the same as with a tractor or mule. What is it asking of us? Finally it hit me. I am the kind of driver who needs to look straight ahead, if not which ever way I look that is the way I turn the wheel, like veering or swaying! Now I really am a good driver! The point is, as with plowing, we need to keep looking forward, not wavering or swaying or our rows will be crooked. What is there to look back for? Nothing we can do about yesterday, we may plan for tomorrow but many of us know from experience our plans do not always work out as we planned, so we are always in the present. Here we can keep our eyes focused on JESUS and what he has planned for us, to be able to follow HIM. It may not always be an easy way, or a comfortable way but it is GODS way. HE wants us to serve HIM by spreading HIS Holy Word to others that they may have eternal life. THY will be done, Amen. Rest well.
Posted on: Thu, 18 Sep 2014 00:46:10 +0000

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