Nights like tonight remind me why children are not supposed to be - TopicsExpress


Nights like tonight remind me why children are not supposed to be in control of the house. Sicky-poo, now with an ugly wet cough and a runny nose to match, plus watering eyes and an apparently itchy nose, making this appear to be BOTH allergies (G--Damn mold!) AND a cold, she has been refusing to eat (while still saying eat and showing me that shes hungry), then crying and demanding more and more milk...NOT water, and then when trying to figure out if she had issues with her throat (or as it turns out, the last of the four molars breaking through the surface), she fought me, screaming and gagging and coughing galore... ...and I felt like the worst mother and parent on the planet. Who *wants* to upset their baby like that? But...its my job to care for her, even and especially when she doesnt like it. So...tooth-brushing and nigh-night time commenced. And she fought me the whole way. Going to be a major pain in my ass, that one. Thank God! Things may suck for me on this end but when shes older and can speak for herself, having her own already developed voice (like Ive always had) and unlike me, having her mother nurture hers...she will know how to stand up for herself. However...she is 16 months old. And now is NOT the time to let her run things. Something I just have to keep learning and re-learning and re-re-learning. I want to make her feel better. And she doesnt always agree with me about how to do that. Which sucks. Because I know she cannot understand why... So I just have to love her and BE her mother. (I am totally lost a lot of the time on HOW to do that. Didnt have a mother of my own to teach me.) Any suggestions?
Posted on: Mon, 30 Jun 2014 04:07:08 +0000

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