Niki Hogan y can we stop all this crap, I would really like to go - TopicsExpress


Niki Hogan y can we stop all this crap, I would really like to go into this year with no fighting & bs anymore, there is no need for it, I get it that your wife hates me & thats fine, thats her choice, kaleb however loves all of us & he should be aloud to feel good about that..lets call it a day on all of this, nobody can be bothered nobodys out to get Jess as she thinks, we dont have to be friends we just need to be civil & stop trashing each other, so we live different lives, so what? lets just get on with it for kalebs sake, he needs to worry about school, sports, his friends etc not us arguing all of the what do you say? lets give happy families a go...kaleb gets to go stay with my folks a bit through the year & would like to see your family while hes there, mum is happy to drop him off with his rellies anytime they would like to see him, lets make this year about Kaleb & not us! Truce? Daniel McKenzie 11:33am Daniel McKenzie You and your family and friends who have never met Jess have been slandering her even this morning and last night, you expect me to believe any of this? This is the 3rd time you have publicly slandered my wife, lied and spread her name through the mud because you cant get over the fact that our son doesnt hate her! I have tried so many times in the last few years to make it work with you for Kalebs sake. You only allowed me 4 hours with my son xmas day when the court order states I have half the day. But I let it slide to keep the peace for Kaleb. You still havent paid me the 300 from the warrant to pick Kaleb up when you tried to keep him from me most recently. And the conversation you had with our son on the phone yesterday morning was absolutely disgusting, calling him the worst name possible because he refused to be bribed and manipulated back to your place. He is happily enjoying some rest and is free from your facebook drama, spending time with his step mum and step sister. Luckily we had a great day yesterday despite the shit you caused in the morning. I wont put up with it anymore, bringing my step daughter into it and slandering her by the lies you spit out has once again crossed a line and you have given me no choice but to go back to court. Kaleb deserves better than the lifestyle and language and abuse that he has to endure with you and your mother. Expect to be hearing from my lawyer again soon. You dont have to believe it, but Kaleb is happy in our home, we have chores, and bedtimes, healthy food, books, love, laughter, games and lots of fun, and you and your mother filling Kalebs head with shit has still not changed how we work in our house. Even after 4 years of you trying! We are strong, and there is nothing you can do to change it. I will be sticking to the court order as it states and will no longer be making exceptions for you as you have never done for me unless it has suited you. And by the way, Jake Bristol Lower is Shannons girlfriends son, and the other profiles are in fact mine, not Jess, I use them for games. But you and your mother know this, as you have questioned Kaleb enough times to learn this as well. This is in the court order that you are NOT to do, but that clearly hasnt stopped. But you will keep lieing and spreading crap until your day is wasted with facebook and negativity. Please refrain from using my son, my wife, mine and my step daughter in your childish games, there are better places for you to get your opinion heard than Facebook, even if your opinion is full of mis guided and utter bullshit. Feel free to share this with you facebook page along with the private messages between you and Jess from yesterday, though Im sure you wont. Have a nice day. No need to reply. Niki Hogan 11:42am Niki Hogan lol sure Jess oh & bring in your lawyer & cyfs & anybody else Im sure they will be all interested in hearing about Karlas scandal at it! youll be lucky if they dont take her off you! Daniel McKenzie 12:21pm Daniel McKenzie Funny how you keep brining Karla into this, there IS NO scandal, why cant you keep the focus on our son and what you are doing to damage his childhood with this crap? Isnt that what you were talking about, Kaleb not Karla? Seen 12:23pm Niki Hogan
Posted on: Mon, 29 Dec 2014 23:26:38 +0000

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