Nimrod And The Tower Of Babel (More about the story in the - TopicsExpress


Nimrod And The Tower Of Babel (More about the story in the stars.) Genesis 11 records the curious story of the Tower of Babel. 1Now the whole world had one language and a common speech. 2 As people moved eastward,they found a plain in Shinar and settled there. 3 They said to each other, “Come, let’s make bricks and bake them thoroughly.” They used brick instead of stone, and tar for mortar. 4 Then they said, “Come, let us build ourselves a city, with a tower that reaches to the heavens, so that we may make a name for ourselves; otherwise we will be scattered over the face of the whole earth.” Shinar is the country we know as modern day Iraq. The builder of the tower was none other than Nimrod who, the text records, was a mighty hunter before the Lord. Sounds innocent enough until you find out that it wasnt game he hunted, he was a hunter and enslaver of men; men who were conscripted to build his tower that reaches to the heavens. This tower didnt have any good purpose. It was not, as the English text would lead you to believe; a tower that reaches to heaven. Yeah, right! As if thats even possible! This is a perfect example of what its like to get a picture through the lens of a translator that, while it doesnt change the Bible story, is a bit unfortunate. Translators have their own frame of reference. They are technically commentators. So here we have this little translator issue, one of many found in scripture. That does not, in any way, mean that the Bible has errors. Even though translations are commentaries, the Holy Spirit watches over everything, so fear not! Your translation is good. Anyway, the top of this tower did not reach to heaven, but rather was with or in the heavens. The Hebrew bears this out. In other words, it was constructed to reach demonic powers and to bring all the people of the earth together. For what purpose? Long before we had the written word of God, He wrote the gospel story, the incomprehensible story of our redemption accomplished by our Jesus, in the night sky. It was, and still is,written in the stars. In Galatians 3:8, thats how God preached the gospel to Abraham; it was written in the sky. That is why the devil invented his pathetic perversion--astrology--to keep man, Gods beloved creation, from knowing the truth about Jesus. This tower would have had a perverted version of the story in the night sky and the peoples of the earth would come together and agree that this was a true translation. Gathering together is the antithesis of what God wanted. His desire was to have men scattered all around the world so that the story of the Gospel would be spread far and wide. That cannot happen if they are all together in one place. Nimrod, most scholars agree, was one of the earliest types of anti-Christ to appear in the earth. He hated God, saw in the stars that the Strong Man, called Hercules by some cultures, would come and crush the head the the great dragon, his boss, satan. The Strong Man is actually Jesus Who did come and do just that! So, Nimrod built the tower in an attempt to pollute the gospel story. The top of his tower had a perverted version of the story of the stars. He figured if he could pollute the story, men would come to believe the lie and not the true story of the virgin birth and the ultimate triumph of the Lion of the tribe of Judah in CRUSHING SATANS HEAD! Now you understand the real reason God had to come down and confuse their language; so that men would disperse and the truth could be spread far and wide, not the perversion. This polluting of the gospel is still going on in our day. Youll notice that the Zodiak and horoscope prognostication--LIES, LIES ANS MORE LIES--begins with Aries today? You may have seen in an earlier post, the story in the stars begins with Virgo, the Virgin and ends with Leo, the Lion. Notice that the lion has one paw lifted up as though injured because Jesus heel was injured in the process of CRUSHING THE HEAD OF THE SERPENT. Jesus was born of the Virgin and triumphed over His, and our, enemies as the Lion! He was hurt; injured on the cross. Just as was foretold, His heel was bruised but the serpents head was FOREVER CRUSHED! PhD-permanent head damage! Even though the story in the stars does not have the same significance to us today because we have Gods written word, it is nonetheless there for all to see, so that all are without excuse. God is still speaking to us in the stars. The real story of the Gospel in the Stars is the wonderful, incredible, incomprehensible, AWESOME Story of our Savior, Jesus.....NOT the perverted story of Nimrod and the Tower of Babel.
Posted on: Thu, 27 Mar 2014 13:41:28 +0000

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