Nina K Tryggvason it was hitting him too close to home. this is - TopicsExpress


Nina K Tryggvason it was hitting him too close to home. this is around when his real divorce happened and red west wrote this on his own marriage break up the party road life was incompatible iwht a home life someting elvis wasn;t able to resolve through his art or in his life..... Leon Smith All salient points Nina but all that considered did it really take until a stage dress rehearsal for it to hit home? Why even take the song that far into preperations? He still recorded and performed live Its Midnight after the divorce or are we tring to disect something of which the explanation is far more simple - like he just didnt think it worked on stage!! Nina K Tryggvason or it was too revealing and potentially a trigger breakdown. maybe he realized he didnt want applause for divorce, something he would have taken as a personal failiure and a massive ego blow it is hard to wrap ones mind around that Elvis was insecure about himself, eh? Leon Smith Entirely possible Nina and a pity that we will never know for sure as the source of that information is sadly no longer with us - Elvis himself. Nina K Tryggvason well probablity... working through my own existential crisis ... Elvis is a difficult role model.. he never resolved his. we have socail statistics and a lot of documentation. people are actually not as complex as they would like to think. or unique there was just over 3 billion people when Elvis died. now there is over 7 billion.....more people know about him now.......
Posted on: Sun, 25 Jan 2015 18:47:02 +0000

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