Nineteen hours at work for 60 crowns. So to live in Bangladesh for - TopicsExpress


Nineteen hours at work for 60 crowns. So to live in Bangladesh for Lidl O slave labor behind the walls of Bangladeshi textile world for a long time did not know. At the end of April is one of the factories in the capital Dhaka collapsed and buried more than a thousand people. Hidden camera British television reporter now brought evidence of local seamstresses devatenáctihodinových shifts , working every day for a few pennies . They are made for the Czech Republic in massive supermarket chain Lidl . The company is now the local working conditions distancing . In Bangladesh, people took to the streets and demanded the death penalty for the owner of the recently ... Another 23 pictures in gallery In Bangladesh, people took to the streets and demanded the death penalty for the owners of the recently collapsed textile factory in Dhaka ( May 1 ) | Photo: AP Different types of food , consumer goods and textiles. The network stores discount chain Lidl crosses almost all European countries . Only in the Czech Republic , the company attracts the cheap products to customers more than two hundred of its stores across the country . For the low prices but often hidden slave labor in inhumane conditions , thousands of miles away from the end users . Due to the exploitation of workers in the production of clothing in Bangladesh Lidl sued three years ago a coalition of German Consumer Association . To inhuman treatment in the Bangladeshi textile factories , producing clothes out of other Western companies also Lidl , now again the BBC in its document. Hidden camera provides evidence devatenáctihodinových shifts seamstresses working day after day for a few pennies - precisely the equivalent of a little less than sixty crowns per day . The guard locked the workers inside the building and left Its midnight and I m lying on the floor of the van in the middle of the darkened streets of Dhaka in Bangladesh. Before I find a factory producing clothing for Western supermarkets . Inside, I see dozens of employees. Since there are seven in the morning , an undercover reporter begins his search for the origin of cheap textiles imported into Europe from one of the poorest countries in the world . Where you can see the document ? Image mapping conditions in Dhaka factory making for , among others, the BBC aired a Lidl as one part of the documentary series Panorama . It premiered viewers in the UK brought in Monday night BBC1 station . Czech viewers can see in the picture rerun on BBC News , which routinely offer domestic intermediaries . On television, will run on Thursday 26 September from 5:30 CEST . Outside the main entrance to the factory Ha Mem Sportswear patrolling guard. After more than eighteen hours when the Fabrik ceaselessly hear hum of sewing machines , the guardian does something that all safety inspectors hair stand on end with horror. Dozens of workers in the building of locks and goes off somewhere . People remain in the building as in a trap. However, only a few weeks ago here by finding BBC fire. The incident took place without injury . However, if the building caught fire this time would remain dozens of people trapped inside. Factory fades only about two-thirty at night . Workers come from a building after endless nineteen and a half hours. One of them agreed to be interviewed . I feel very well and I also disabled it . Over the last two weeks it looked like eight nights , says the promise of anonymity. Per shift got the equivalent of something like sixty crowns. Although completely exhausted , at seven in the morning will sit down to the sewing machine again . Dual documents - fake for buyers and one for employees In Dhaka factory Ha Mem Sportswear issued a reporter two days later again . This time in the guise of a potential buyer of a fictitious British clothing company . He gets his tours around the area , which has obviously had something behind and reconstruction would need the salt. Managers shows him a contract for which workers were working - 150,000 trousers and other textiles for the discount chain Lidl . On all questions gives the factory management response as a template. Assure a fictitious customer , as it probably done many times before, that working and safety conditions are fully standards . The door remains apparently always open. Keeping even shows falsified hourly reports showing that the textile mill closes every day at 17:30 . According to the Center Bangladeshi workers solidarity but it is a common practice . Factory Ha Meem Sportswear say definitely not the only one who resorted to this trick . The owners of the factories are two different books . Suggest one buyers , then the other is intended for employees , explains Kalpana Achterová of an organization fighting for the rights of workers. The documents look convincing. Had I seen it all with my own eyes , I never would have believed that the workers are forced to work such long shifts, he notes . Western companies are lees April unhappiness in Dhaka Over the dreary exploitation of workers in Bangladeshi factories western world for a long time turned a blind eye . Despite the fact that few people would find in their wardrobe piece with a tag Made in Bangladesh . Tragedy in a textile factory Images from the April accident in Dhaka Bangladeshis trying to identify their loved ones who perished in the ruins The ruins of collapsed buildings in Dhaka ( 9 May 2013 ) Resmi Begum, insisted that survived 17 days under the rubble of a collapsed building in Dhaka, Rescue workers search the wreckage of a collapsed eight-storey building in Dhaka Questions about the conditions under which the textiles in one of the poorest countries in the world manufactures , began to float only after one of these companies for their lives in April came more than a thousand people (more on the case can be found here ) . As in countless other textile factories , and in Dhaka Rana Beach Long hours on end for minimum wage worked hundreds of seamstresses . The forces of clothes for famous fashion houses . Until it is archaic and dilapidated building collapsed . Only then Western companies began to repent of cheap labor, are already using . It was , for example, H & M , Primark , C & A, Zara and more. Clothing companies one after another promised to improve the lives of workers and provide them with decent conditions to work. Some companies really been modernized . In numerous in them , things returned to business as usual as soon as the fuss about Rana Plaza stopped. Despite the declaration of Western societies and their commitments to the various conventions on improving working conditions remains a life thousands of poor Bangladeshis still the same . Day after day, getting up early in the morning to late at night, slaving . All this for a fraction of the price at which the goods western chains offer customers thousands of miles away . Lidl from happening in Dhaka factory dissociates To inquire about the conditions in the Bangladeshi textile Ha Mem Sportswear contacted Czech behalf of Lidl . It happened before Mondays premiere of the BBC in the United Kingdom. A spokesman for Lidl Czech Jitka willow but then stated that the expression must coordinate with the German headquarters of the company. Lidl from happening factory in Dhaka said in a statement distancing itself . The situation upon by the BBC report , our company takes very seriously . Described practices are not in line with our expectations, business partners , and therefore disassociate ourselves from such behavior and the situation is intensely engaged , said the spokesman on Wednesday discount chain . We are aware of our responsibility , regardless of the disclosure document , and we will continue to engage in initiatives to improve the living and working conditions of employees of textile enterprises in Bangladesh, stand forth in the statements . Whether the company actually manufactures its clothing factory in Dhaka Ha Meem Sportswear, did not specify . Lidl but through a spokesman claims that the company several years ago in its code of clearly defined social and environmental requirements for its business partners. In his defense, the company adds that for several years actively cooperates with international organizations and advocates the improvement of social conditions in Bangladesh.
Posted on: Sat, 19 Oct 2013 04:38:58 +0000

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